
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niyon
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作者们复习了与咽鼓管有关的解剖生理,软腭及咽鼓管肌肉,包括腭帆张肌、腭帆提肌、咽上缩肌和鼓膜张肌。这些肌肉的协调动作使咽鼓管软骨部开放并增宽,空气被动进入鼓室,使鼓室内压与耳道的大气压保持平衡。另文献报告动物试验及电镜检查显示毛细淋巴管起自咽鼓管后内面,该区淋巴引流障碍,虽无咽鼓管阻塞,也可产生渗出性中耳炎。作者们将22例术前中耳功能正常的选择性扁桃体切除术患者作为试验组,同期该院因其他耳鼻喉科良性疾病,而无耳、鼻、鼻咽疾病的全麻手术患者12例作为对照组。两组患者术前纯音听力图、鼓室压测量图及双耳交叉声反射试验均正常。术后第一天及一周后进行复测,如不正常,则于1月后再进行试验,追踪直至正常。试验结果表明,术后第一天,250、500、1000赫三频 The authors reviewed anatomical and eustachian-associated anatomical physiology, soft palate and eustachian tube muscles, including palatal-sternotomy, levator palatine, pharyngeal constrictor and tympanic membrane muscle. The coordinated actions of these muscles open and widen the Eustachian tube cartilage and the air is passively introduced into the tympanic space to balance the tympanic pressure with the pressure of the ear canal. Another literature reports of animal experiments and electron microscopy showed lymphatic capillaries from the inner surface of the eustachian tube, lymphatic drainage in this area, although no eustachian tube obstruction, but also can produce exudative otitis media. The authors selected 22 patients with normal tonsillectomy who had normal middle ear function as the experimental group and 12 patients underwent general anesthesia for otolaryngology without other ear, nose and nose diseases during the same period Control group. Preoperative pure tone audiogram, tympanometry, and binaural cross-reflex test were normal in both groups. After the first day and one week after the retest, if not normal, then in January and then test, track until normal. Test results show that the first day after surgery, 250,500,1000 Hz tri-band
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报载北方某法院数次去南方某市执行一经济案件 ,都因种种原因无功而返。其中一次却是因被告所在地的市委的一份文件规定“政法系统……自 1997年 1月 1日起凡因经济纠纷冻结
典型的听性脑干诱发反应,是在短而强的声刺激后于前10毫秒内出现的含7个颅顶正波的反应。作者们用1、2、4KHz的短音(tone pip)和短声(click)检查17例22~31岁的听阈不超过10dB
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