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板栗是我国特产的优良干果树种,具有悠久的栽培历史.我省栗子生产和年出口量在全国占有一定的比重.主要分布在关中的长安;商洛的镇安,柞水,山阳;安康,渭南,宝鸡等地也均有栽培.绝大部分地区是以散生栽植和乔化稀植为主,长期以来在栽培经营方面受“铁杆压稼”片面观点的影响,轻视集约经营和科学管理,单位面积产量很低.据调查本地区1980年以来年平均株产为7.5~10kg.因此,采取集约经营科学管理是生产中亟待解决的问题. Chestnut is an excellent dried fruit tree species with a long history of cultivation in our country. The production and annual export volume of chestnuts in our province occupy a certain proportion of the country, mainly in Chang’an in Guanzhong, Zhen’an, Zhashui and Sanyang in Shangluo, Weinan, Baoji and other places are also cultivated.Most of the area is based on scattered planting and Qiaohua thinning-based, long-term cultivation and management by the “irons Yajiao” one-sided point of view, despise intensive management and scientific management , Yield per unit area is very low.According to the survey in the region since 1980, the average annual production of 7.5 ~ 10kg. Therefore, to take intensive management of scientific management is the production of urgent problems.
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呼市地区塑料大棚栽培青椒,应选择优良品种:培育优质的壮苗,具有合理的群体结构,控制好秧果的平衡生长,秋季及时复膜,就可以获得较高的产量和较大的经济效益。 Hohhot plast
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  The objective of our study was to quantify the influence of the duration of the cutting season on the yield in the following year and also to quantify the r
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