Dependence of Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (DMCPS) Dissociation on Ionized Energy by Using Quadrupol

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sj20091021
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Dependence of decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (DMCPS) organosilicon dissociationon ionized energy in the energy range of 25 eV to 70 eV is investigated by using a quadrupolemass spectrometry.At the ionized energy below 55 eV,the dissociation of DMCPS is dominant.As the ionized energy is above 55 eV,the DMCPS dissociation achieves the maximum cross section,while the fragments from the DMCPS dissociation can further dissociate,which leads to adifferent ingredient of fragments.At the lower ionized energy of 25 eV,the main fragments areSiOC_2H_5~+,SiCH~+,Si~+,O_2~+ and CH_3~+ ions,which shows an important effect on the SiCOH low-kfilm deposition. Dependence of decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (DMCPS) organosilicon dissociation ionized energy in the energy range of 25 eV to 70 eV is investigated by using a quadrupolemass spectrometry. At the ionized energy below 55 eV, the dissociation of DMCPS is dominant. As the ionized energy is above 55 eV, the DMCPS dissociation achieves the maximum cross section, while the fragments from the DMCPS dissociation can further dissociate, which leads to adifferent ingredient of fragments. At the lower ionized energy of 25 eV, the main fragments areSiOC_2H_5 ~ +, SiCH ~ +, Si ~ +, O_2 ~ + and CH_3 ~ + ions, which shows an important effect on the SiCOH low-kfilm deposition.
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