Information seeking and anxiety among colonoscopy-na?ve adults: direct-to-colonoscopy vs traditional

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rossifish
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AIM To investigate the effects of direct to colonoscopy pathways on information seeking behaviors and anxiety among colonoscopy-na?ve patients.METHODS Colonoscopy-na?ve patients at two tertiary care hospitals completed a survey immediately prior to their scheduled outpatient procedure and before receiving sedation.Survey items included clinical pathway(direct or consult),procedure indication(cancer screening or symptom investigation),telephone and written contact from the physician endoscopist office,information sources,and pre-procedure anxiety.Participants reported pre-procedure anxiety using a 10 point scale anchored by “very relaxed”(1) and “very nervous”(10).At least three months following the procedure,patient medical records were reviewed to determine sedative dose,procedure indications and any adverse events.The primary comparison was between the direct and consult pathways.Given the very different implications,a secondary analysis considering the patient-reported indication for the procedure(symptoms or screening).Effects of pathway(direct vs consult) were compared both within and between the screening and symptom subgroups.RESULTS Of 409 patients who completed the survey,34% followed a direct pathway.Indications for colonoscopy were similar in each group.The majority of the participants were women(58%),married(61%),and internet users(81%).The most important information source was family physicians(Direct) and specialist physicians(Consult).Use of other information sources,including the internet(20% vs 18%) and Direct family and friends(64% vs 53%),was similar in the Direct and Consult groups,respectively.Only 31% of the 81% who were internet users accessed internet health information.Most sought fundamental information such as what a colonoscopy is or why it is done.Pre-procedure anxiety did not differ between care pathways.Those undergoing colonoscopy for symptoms reported greater anxiety [mean 5.3,95%CI: 5.0-5.7(10 point Likert scale)] than those for screening colonoscopy(4.3,95%CI: 3.9-4.7).CONCLUSION Procedure indication(cancer screening or symptom investigation) was more closely associated with information seeking behaviors and pre-procedure anxiety than care pathway. AIM To investigate the effects of direct to colonoscopy pathways on information seeking behaviors and anxiety among colonoscopy-naï ve patients. METHODS Colonoscopy-naï ve patients at two tertiary care hospitals completed a survey immediately prior to their scheduled outpatient procedure and before receiving sedation .Survey items included clinical pathway (direct or consult), procedure indication (cancer screening or symptom investigation), telephone and written contact from the physician endoscopist office, information sources, and pre-procedure anxiety. Participants reported pre-procedure anxiety using a 10 point scale anchored by “very relaxed ” (1) and “very nervous ” (10). At least three months following the procedure, patient medical records were determined to determine sedative dose, procedure indications and any adverse events. primary comparison was between the direct and consult pathways. Given the very different implications, a secondary analysis considering the patient-reported indicatio Effects of pathway (direct vs consult) were compared both within and between the screening and symptom subgroups.RESULTS Of 409 patients who completed the survey, 34% followed a direct pathway. Implications for colonoscopy were similar in each group. the majority of the participants were women (58%), married (61%), and internet users (81%). The most important information source was family physicians (Direct) and specialist physicians of other information sources, including the internet (20% vs 18%) and Direct family and friends (64% vs 53%), was similar in the Direct and Consult groups, respectively.Only 31% of the 81% who were internet users accessed internet health information.Most sought fundamental information such as what a what colonoscopy is or why it is done .Pre-procedure anxiety did not differ between care pathways .hose undergoing colonoscopy for symptoms reported greater anxiety [mean 5.3, 95% CI: 5.0- 5.7 (10 point Likert scale)] than those forscreening colonoscopy (4.3, 95% CI: 3.9-4.7) .CONCLUSION Procedure indication (cancer screening or symptom investigation) was more closely associated with information seeking behaviors and pre-procedure anxiety than care pathway.
现代社会,女人和男人一样需要在职场里周旋,付出的精力和努力几乎一样多,但是,在职场之外,女人往往还有一个更广阔的舞台需要去长袖善舞,那就是家庭。毫无疑问,在家庭中,女人要付出比男人更多的努力,比如对孩子的抚育,对老人的照顾,所以,从某种意义上说,在这个社会里,女人有时候比男人更累。  安置心灵的空间  现代女人已经颠覆了过去小鸟依人的形象,在职场里打拼,真的可以用“巾帼不让须眉”来形容了。在家庭里
英国著名作家乔治·奥威尔曾写过一本名叫《动物庄园》的书,里面各色动物之间的斗争让人印象深刻。事实上,我们枕边的男人内心里也隐藏着一只小兽呢。只有发现了他内心的动物属性,专门制定独属的“闺房战术”,才能让你和他在床第之间更加“性福”。    虎男  性格关键词:粗犷 粗心 男子气   A、粗心大意,很难记住你的生日,更不用说结婚纪念日等特殊日子了,很少会对你说“我爱你”,表达感情最喜欢的方
《美丽的托斯卡纳》  作者:弗朗西斯·梅斯  出版:南海出版公司    作为《托斯卡纳的艳阳下》的续集,《美丽的托斯卡纳》出版了,这期间作者弗朗西斯在托斯卡纳“翘过了”十年的闲散生活。在这本续集这次书中没有什么更深刻或新鲜的话题,仍旧是:一栋杏黄色外墙、面朝山谷的房子;一个有着欣然春日晴朗夏日的乡野;一种充满阳光、欢乐、歌声、美酒与旅行的自然生活。  美好的生活何须变化?我们只怕它持续的时间不够长
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