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田径跳跃项目曾经是我国田径的优势项目,近年来已远远落后于世界先进水平,究其原因重身体素质训练,轻专项技术训练;重力量素质提高研究,轻专项技术改进研究;重速度素质发展研究,轻专项技术提高研究不能不说是主要原因之一。应该清醒地认识到,重视专项技术研究、提高和不断完善专项技术是我国田径运动发展的重要途径。少年跳远运动员的教学与训练首先要研究跳远技术教学与训练的方法和要求。随着跳远技术的发展和人们认识水平的提高,跳远的训练方法也随之改进。跳远成绩的提高与训练水平、方法、手段的不断改进是紧密相联的。现代跳远技术大体经历了“力量型”和“速度型”两个不同类型的发展阶段。“力量型”起跳技术在完成起跳技术时,制动力量辛乏大,注重运动员的最大力量训练。这种起跳技术虽然能够获得较大的垂直速度,但水平速度损失较多。“速度型”起跳技术强调用最高的助跑速度进入起跳,重视摆动动作在起跳中的作用。少年跳远运动员的技术训练要以“速度型”起跳技术为模式进行教学和训练。 Track and Field Jumping Project was once the advantage item of China’s track and field. In recent years, it has lagged far behind the world’s advanced level. The reason is that it focuses on the training of body quality and light special technical training, studies on the improvement of the quality of gravity and on the improvement of light special technology, It is one of the main reasons for the development of research and enhancement of research on light special technologies. Should be soberly aware that attention to special technology research, improve and constantly improve the special technology is an important way for the development of track and field in China. The teaching and training of juvenile long jump athletes should first study the methods and requirements of long jump technical teaching and training. With the development of long jump technology and people’s awareness level, long jump training methods also improved. Long jump performance improvement and training levels, methods, means of continuous improvement are closely linked. Modern long jump technology generally experienced two stages of development of “power type” and “speed type”. “Power type ” take-off technology In the completion of take-off technology, the brake force Xin big, pay attention to the maximum strength of athletes training. Although this kind of take-off technology can obtain a larger vertical speed, the horizontal speed is more lost. “Speed ​​type ” take-off technology emphasizes the highest run speed into the take-off, pay attention to swing action in take-off role. The technical training of juvenile long jump athletes should be based on the model of “speed-type” take-off technique.
说谁谁谁是才子,谁谁谁是才女,一般时候,无人计较;但要说谁谁谁是天才,则很难得到认可。早些年有句调侃,发现天才的人是更大的天才。于是 Who says who is a talented perso
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