An Unfair Accusation

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The trade imbalance between China and the United States is becoming a tool for Washington to pursue its "America First" ob-jective. U.S. President Donald Trump has on several occasions threatened to impose steep tariffs on com-modities from China and other countries because he sees the United States as "the victim of a global trade war." In January, the Trump administration imposed tariffs of up to 50 percent on imports of washing ma-chines and solar panels, coming mostly from South Korea and China, respectively. The latest data from China Customs show that China's exports to the U.S. market reached 2.91 tril-lion yuan ($465.2 bilion) in 2017, while imports from the United States amounted to 1.04 trillion yuan ($166.2 billion). China's trade surplus against the United States was 1.87 trilion yuan ($298.9 bilion), up 13 percent from of 2016. But is the trade imbal-ance realy unfair to the United States? Is it fair to judge the trade relationship simply on the basis of surplus or deif cit?
Every gram of gold will be subsidized by 3 yuan ($0.48), purchase of every car will get 500-yuan ($79.41) cash back and wedding photos now enjoy a discount of 5 percent. These discounts make up part o
近几年,北京在统筹国内发展和对外开放,利用两个市场、两种资源方面取得了明显进展。受多种利好因素影响,预计未来一段时间北京内外贸市场仍将持续向好。 In recent years,
作者:阮义忠 著  版本:中国华侨出版社 2013年8月版  定价:39.80元  提要:20世纪七八十年代,摄影家阮义忠在台湾各处行脚,拍下了无数百姓日常生活的动人瞬间。《失落的优雅》收录其中八十一幅照片,并首次讲述每一帧照片背后的故事,真实呈现了从乡村社会向工商社会转变时,一个变动中的台湾。阮义忠从小在台湾乡村长大,少时并不能理解父辈的艰辛,一心想逃离乡村,去往城市。