
来源 :病毒学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjqzc
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呼吸道合胞病毒(Respiratory syncytial virus,RSV)是全世界范围内引起下呼吸道感染的主要病原体,主要高危人群为六个月以下新生儿及65岁以上人群。目前BALB/c小鼠是RSV感染的有效动物模型,但不同周龄BALB/c小鼠感染RSV后的差异性尚未有报道。本研究分别选择10、30、60周龄BALB/c小鼠,在鼻腔接种106及107PFU RSV后,对不同龄期小鼠临床一般症状、体重、鼻/肺部病毒滴度及肺组织炎症病理变化进行检测及比较。结果显示感染106PFU RSV后小鼠未出现明显的体重下降,而107PFU RSV感染后能有效引发小鼠在感染后6-11天出现明显的体重下降。检测结果显示,在107PFU感染的小鼠的鼻、肺组织能够检测到明显的病毒复制,肺部免疫组化显示病毒主要定位于肺泡周围,炎症观察结果显示出明显的肺部炎症细胞浸润及组织病理损伤。同时本研究还观察到随着小鼠周龄的增大,感染后体重下降越明显,并能检测到更为明显的肺部病毒及验证损伤。这些结果显示出本研究成功建立了不同周龄BALB/c小鼠RSV感染差异模型,为不同年龄人群RSV感染免疫机制的深入探讨及RSV相关抗体和疫苗药物的选择、评估提供依据。 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infection in the world. The main high-risk groups are newborns under 6 months and people over 65 years old. At present, BALB / c mice are an effective animal model of RSV infection. However, the difference of RSV infection in BALB / c mice of different weeks has not been reported yet. In this study, BALB / c mice at 10, 30 and 60 weeks of age were selected. After the nasal inoculation of 106 and 107 PFU RSV, the clinical symptoms, body weight, nasal / pulmonary virus titer and pathological changes of lung tissue in different age Changes were detected and compared. The results showed no significant weight loss in mice infected with 106PFU RSV, while 107PFU RSV infection effectively induced significant weight loss in mice 6-11 days after infection. The results showed that in the 107PFU infected mice, the nasal and pulmonary tissues were able to detect significant viral replication, the lung immunohistochemistry showed that the virus was mainly located in the periphery of the alveoli, and the inflammation observation showed obvious infiltration of lung inflammatory cells and tissues Pathological damage. At the same time, we also observed that with the increase of the age of the mice, the weight loss after infection was more obvious, and the more obvious pulmonary virus could be detected and the damage was verified. These results show that this study successfully established a different model of RSV infection in BALB / c mice of different weeks of age, in order to provide a basis for further study on the mechanism of RSV infection in different age groups and the selection and evaluation of RSV-related antibodies and vaccine drugs.
通过分析2005~2014年山东省粮食总产量和人口总数的动态变化数据,分析研究了山东省粮食安全现状。借助Matlab程序及SPSS 19.0软件,运用灰色预测模型、曲线估计、线性回归等方