
来源 :山海经 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suenger
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夏雪微信朋友圈里卖东西的越来越多,转发集赞就能参加抽奖活动。这天,她被一家鲜花速递公司抽中,获得价值388元的鲜花卡一张。夏雪心里一动,她和何大伟婚后一直省吃俭用还房贷,何大伟已经好几年没送过她鲜花了,何不趁这个机会浪漫一回呢?如果用何大伟的手机号填写鲜花卡,何大伟不就能领到鲜花送给她了?资料填写后不久,何大伟就接到了速递公司的电话,通知他扫描二维码登录页面,填写收花 Xia Xue WeChat friends circle more and more things to sell, forwarding set like you can participate in raffle. On this day, she was pumped by a flower courier company and got a $ 388 flower card. Xia Xue mind a move, she and He Dawei have been living frugally after the marriage also mortgages, He Dawei has not sent her flowers for several years, why not take this opportunity to romantic once? If you use David’s phone number to fill in the flower card, David Ho Can receive flowers for her? Shortly after filling in the information, David Ho received a courier company phone, informing him to scan the QR code login page, fill in the flowers
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