
来源 :冷战国际史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coldbee
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中国的朝鲜族是自19世纪60年代开始由朝鲜境内迁移到中国东北,并逐步形成的民族共同体。同朝鲜的民族血缘关系和日韩合并后朝鲜半岛民众的亡国奴处境,使朝鲜族民众奋勇抵抗日本帝国主义的殖民统治,展开了暗杀日军高官、天皇等多种形式的抗日斗争。抗战胜利后,为了解放东北乃至解放全中国,朝鲜族人民踊跃参军参战,谱写了可歌可泣的历史篇章。1945年日本投降时,朝鲜半岛被美、苏两国划分为南北界,形成为互不相容的半岛内外冷战体系。随着冷战体系的蔓延,1946年起中国朝鲜族部队分三批入朝编为朝鲜人民军。第一批1946年,有曾任中共延边委员会第一任书记兼东北人民自治军间岛(延吉)军分区司令员姜信泰、朝鲜义勇军副司令朴一禹率领的吉东军区朝鲜族部分部队;武亭为代表的朝鲜义勇军安东鸭绿江支队等辽东军区部分朝鲜族部队。第二批1949年,中国人民解放军第一六六师、一六四师部队编入为朝鲜人民军第六师团和第五师团。第三批1950年,包括中国人民解放军第四十三军一五六师、四十七军与其他部队中的朝鲜族官兵,被编入朝鲜人民军第七师团、第四师团十八联队等部队。本文除条分缕析中国朝鲜族人编入朝鲜人民军的情况外,还根据相关口述历史等材料,整理出朝鲜战争爆发前后朝鲜人民军的编制体系;同时借近年来俄国、美国等国解密档案给各国史学界带来的还原真实历史的风气,介绍韩国学者对韩战的认识,并摘译韩方搜集的朝鲜人民军的有关文件,以供研究者参考。 The Chinese ethnic group in China is a national community that has migrated from North Korea to Northeast China since the 1860s. The national blood relationship with North Korea and the slavery of Koreans after the merger between Japan and South Korea helped the Korean people courageously resist the colonial rule of Japanese imperialism and launched various kinds of anti-Japanese struggles to assassinate Japanese senior officials and the Emperor. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, in order to liberate the entire Northeast China and even the whole of China, the Korean people enthusiastically joined the army and wrote epic chapters in their epic history. When Japan surrendered in 1945, the Korean Peninsula was divided into North and South by the United States and the Soviet Union, forming a mutually compatible Cold War system inside and outside the peninsula. With the spread of the Cold War system, since 1946, the Chinese Korean troops have been assigned to North Korea’s People’s Army in three batches. The first batch of 1946, has served as the first member of the CPC Yanbian Committee and Northeast People’s Self-Governing Army Interim District Commander Jiang Xintai, Korean volunteer army deputy commander Park Yi-yu led the Kyrgyz military region Korean troops; Wu Representatives of the Korean Volunteers, such as the Andong Yalu River detachment and some other Liaodong Military Region Korean troops. The second batch of 1949, the Chinese people’s Liberation Army sixty-sixth division, one hundred forty-four divisions into the North Korean People’s Army sixth division and the fifth division. The third batch of 1950, including the Chinese people’s Liberation Army Forty-third Army 156th Division, 47th Army and other troops in the Korean army, was incorporated into the Korean People’s Army seventh division, the fourth division 18 United troops and other units. In addition to the article analyzes the situation of Chinese Koreans incorporated into the Korean People’s Army, but also based on the relevant oral history and other materials, organize the preparation system of the Korean People’s Army before and after the Korean War broke out; at the same time, in recent years, Russia, the United States and other countries to decrypt files to all historiography The world brings about the return of the real historical culture. It introduces Korean scholars’ understanding of the Korean War and extracts the relevant documents from the Korean People’s Army collected by the ROK for reference by the researchers.