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根据《国务院办公厅关于加强三级公立医院绩效考核工作的意见(国办发〔2019〕4号)》“三级公立医院绩效考核指标”的第13项指标“通过国家室间质量评价的临床检验项目数”,国家卫生健康委临床检验中心开发了信息采集系统,建立实验室室间质评项目参加率和合格率分析系统。近3年,参加室间质量评价的三级公立医院数量有所上升,室间质评项目参加率中位数有所提高,室间质评项目合格率中位数相对稳定。通过国家卫生健康委临床检验中心组织的室间质量评价项目数量的监测,对三级公立医院临床实验室室间质评项目参加率和合格率进行统计分析,推动三级公立医院重视室间质量评价,持续改进质量,以提高检测的有效性和可比性。“,”According the “Notification on strengthening the performance assessment of tertiary public hospitals (No. 4)” issued by General Office of the State Council of People′s Republic of China in 2019, the 13n th performance indicator for tertiary public hospitals includes the number of test covered by an external quality assessment (EQA) control and acceptable performances in EQA schemes. Related information collection system and data analysis system are newly established by National Center of Clinical Laboratories, which could be used to evaluate number of test covered by an EQA schemes control and acceptable performances in EQA schemes from tertiary public hospitals. The participating laboratories from tertiary public hospitals has increased for the last 3 years. The number of test covered by an EQA control is also increased as presented the median number, while the acceptable performances in EQA schemes remains relatively stable in the meantime. The number of test covered by an EQA control and acceptable performances in EQA schemes by National Center of Clinical Laboratories reveal that the quality performance has improved through monitoring the trend of external quality assessment to some extent. The number of test covered by an EQA schemes control and acceptable performances in EQA schemes from tertiary public hospitals could help hospitals/laboratories to pay more attention to EQA in order to consequently improving the availability and comparability in quality performance of clinical laboratories.n
线虫属线形动物门、线虫纲,种类多,分布广,危害蘑菇、平菇、香菇等。入侵这些食用菌的线虫,分属于垫刃目、骨刃目和小杆目。 发生在平菇栽培中的线虫经鉴定为小杆线虫(Rhacl
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