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近几年来,特别是1985年7月党中央、国务院发出《关于尊重爱护军队积极支持军队改革和建设的通知》以后,新华社、人民日报、光明日报、中国青年报、中央人民广播电台、中央电视台和各省、市、自治区的许多报刊、电台、电视台,注意对人民群众进行军事宣传,取得了显著的效果。军事宣传加强了全民的国防观念。正如党中央和国务院通知中所说:“经济建设是压倒一切的中心任务,党政军民的一切工作都要围绕这个中心,服从这个大局。但是这绝不意味着可以轻视军队的地位和作用。”我国的四化建设需要一个和平的国际环境。我们说世界大战一时打不起来,一方面是因为超级大国还没有作好准备,更重要的因素则是世界人民反对战争;而中国人民加强经济力量和国防力量的建设,对 In recent years, especially after the Central Party Committee and the State Council issued the “Notice on Respecting and Protecting the Armed Forces to Actively Support the Reformation and Construction of the Armed Forces” in July 1985, Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, Guangming Daily, China Youth Daily, the Central People’s Broadcasting Station, Many television stations, radio and television stations in various provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have paid attention to military propaganda to the masses and have achieved remarkable results. Military propaganda has strengthened the national defense concept. As stated in the circular of the Party Central Committee and the State Council: “Economic construction is the overriding central task. All the party, government, military and civilian work must center on this center and obey this overall situation. But this in no way means that we can underestimate the status and role of the military.” "China’s four modernizations need a peaceful international environment. We say that the World War can not be easily overthrown on the one hand because the superpowers have not yet prepared themselves. The more important factor is that the people of the world oppose the war. The Chinese people should step up efforts to build their economic and defense forces.
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