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八一镇—邛多江公路是西藏东南部的重要国防交通线,也是藏东公路南环线的主要环节,在全长438km里程中约有400km穿行于雅鲁藏布江河谷。公路自1972年投入运营以来,因雅鲁藏布江两岸的河流相沙质沉积物和河谷风场的综合作用,导致风沙活动十分活跃,沙害路段多达25处,严重阻碍了公路的畅通。对公路两侧固定沙丘研究发现,风沙活动最晚始于约3万年前,目前的沙害是公路选线欠合理,以及施工破坏边坡和植被情况下风沙再次活跃的结果。为了有利于实施治理工程,依据沙害路段所处的地貌位置、形成沙害的沙源和风场特征,将公路沙害划分为边滩沙源型、阶地沙源型和滑塌沙源型3类。通过对典型沙害路段治理试验研究,确定治理工程体系以乔、灌木为主体,适当增加草本植物,辅之以阻沙、固沙和导沙3种应急性机械措施。 The Bayi Town - 邛 Dujiang Highway is an important national defense traffic line in the southeastern part of Tibet. It is also the main link of the South Central Ring Road of Tibet. About 400km of the 438km mileage runs through the Brahmaputra Valley. Since the highway was put into operation in 1972, due to the combined action of river sediment and river valley on both sides of the Brahmaputra River, the wind and sand activities are very active. As many as 25 sand roads are harmed, which hinders the smooth flow of roads. Studies on fixed sand dunes on both sides of the road have found that the latest sandstorm activity started about 30,000 years ago. The current sand damage is due to a lack of reasonable route selection and the reactivation of sandstorms under the conditions of damaging the slopes and vegetation. In order to facilitate the implementation of governance projects, according to the location of the landscape where the shaly sections are located, the characteristics of sand sources and wind fields are formed, and the road sand hazards are classified into the side beach sand type, the terrestrial sand type and the slipping sand type 3 class. Through the experimental research on the treatment of typical sand-hardened sections, it is determined that the control engineering system is mainly composed of trees and shrubs, and the plants are appropriately increased, supplemented by three kinds of emergency mechanical measures such as sand-blocking, sand-fixing and sand-guiding.
目的 构建携带胰岛素样生长因子2(IGF2)印迹系统的重组腺病毒,探讨其用于肿瘤靶向治疗的可行性.方法 采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增H19 enhancer、DMD以及H19启动子序列,并克隆
目的 探讨胍丁胺(AGM)对酵母多糖(ZYM)诱导小鼠全身炎症反应和急性肺损伤(ALI)时器官的保护作用.方法 将32只成年雄性C57BL/6小鼠按随机数字表法分为正常对照组[磷酸盐缓冲液
膝骨关节炎(knee osteoarthritis,KOA)是一组以关节软骨病变为主要病理特征的临床综合征,但由于软骨自我修复能力差,关节软骨缺损的修复一直是困扰临床医生的难题.对于KOA的
目的 探讨肾脏受累为主的抗中性粒细胞胞质抗体(ANCA)相关性血管炎患者的预后及其影响因素.方法 对2006-2008年我院诊断的64例肾脏受累为主的ANCA相关性血管炎患者进行回顾性
目的:探讨G蛋白偶联受体30(Gprotein-coupled receptor 30,GPR30)在人子宫内膜癌细胞株Ishikawa中的表达及亚细胞定位。方法:应用RT-PCR、蛋白质印迹法和免疫荧光技术分析Ishikaw
目的 建立鞘内注射利多卡因致大鼠神经损伤模型.方法 成年雄性SD大鼠55只,体重200~ 220 g,采用随机数字表法,将其随机分为5组(n=11):正常对照组(C组)、溶媒组(D组)、5%利多卡
目的 对比研究DR与CR双面阅读成像系统辐射剂量与成像质量的关系.方法 在相同的辐射剂量下用DR和CR双面阅读成像系统对ALVIM统计学摄影模体TRG进行曝光,记录摄影条件和模体表
目的 观察c9,t11-CLA及t10,c12-CLA干预后,大鼠骨髓细胞过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体2(PPARγ2)及核因子(NF)-κB活化受体配体(RANKL)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、骨保护素(OPG)、NF-