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人总是要有一点精神的。行行业业 也有它的职业精神。唯此事业才会辉 煌,人生才会壮丽。那么,新闻人的职业 精神是什么?它锻造出的一代代新闻人 又是怎样完成使命的?它将对后来者有 多大的启迪和影响?本期新栏目《难忘 的采访》将向我们的读者展开新闻史的 画卷,一位位在新闻长河中搏击的勇 士,用他们的亲身经历,通过一次难忘 的采访,通过一个采访中引人的故事, 通过一段不可忘怀的回忆,用血,用泪, 用汗,甚至用生命诠释着职业精神的含 义。他们生活在不同的时代,各自有着 不同的经历,但是为了同一个使命,他 们做出了同样的贡献和牺牲。面对死 亡、诽谤、污蔑、贫困、软禁他们不曾低 头,面对金钱、财物、名利、地位,他们不 曾弯腰,面对艰难困苦他们不曾退缩, 支撑他们的就是崇高而伟大的新闻人 的不朽的职业精神——奉献精神。 新时期的到来,对新闻路上的一代 代新人的考验更加严峻,本期开篇刘霆 昭同志的经历告诉我们,既然来做记者, 就要有意识冲在最危险、最艰苦的第一 线上去,不怕苦、不怕死,否则,出不来好 记者。我们希望更多的在新闻战线上战 斗的记者们,把你们甘于为新闻事业奉 献、献身的精神,体现在、融合在采访工作 中的一件件、一桩桩的亲历写出来,给后 来者一个榜样。这也是一份责任。前有榜 样,后有来者,我们的新闻事业大有可为。 People always have a little spirit. Industry also has its professionalism. Only this career will be brilliant, life will be magnificent. So, what is the professionalism of the news people? How is it forging a generation of news people how to complete the mission? It will have much enlightenment and influence on the late? The new section of this section, “Unforgettable Interview” will be our Readers expand the history of news history, a warrior fighting in the news of the river, with their personal experience, through an unforgettable interview, through an interview with the introduction of the story, through a memorable memories, with blood, with Tears, sweat, and even the interpretation of life with the meaning of professionalism. They live in different times and each has a different experience, but they make the same contribution and sacrifice for the same mission. In the face of death, defamation, slander, poverty, house arrest They never bow their heads, faced with money, property, fame and fortune, status They have not bent over, faced with hardships They have not flinched, they are immortal to support the noble and great news Professionalism - dedication. The coming of the new era has taken a more severe test of the new generation of people on the news road. The experience of Comrade Liu Tingzhao at the opening of this issue tells us that since we came to work as reporters, we must be consciously rushed to the most dangerous and arduous first line and are not afraid of bitterness , Not afraid of death, otherwise, can not get a good reporter. We hope that more journalists fighting on the information front will give you the dedication and dedication they deserve for journalism by embodying one piece from the interview and sending you to the later An example. This is also a responsibility. Former example, after the person who came, our journalism promising.
各国新闻发言人在发布新闻时,不仅要考虑说什么,而且还要 决定隐瞒什么,向记者陈述多少内容,以及如何防范记者刺探内情。 这需要在发布新闻前制定发布策略,进行多方面的策划
这是一幅优秀的歌颂漫画,作者 是河北省丘县的一位农民。画面表现 的是一位基层干部,正在沿着阶梯一 步一步地走上去,而阶梯却是写在黑 板上的一个个“正”字。我们知道,基层
摘 要:在广大农村,资金的短缺造成了教育信息化软硬件建设的滞后。虽然大多数学校领导都已认识到建设校园网、更新升级的重要性,然而计算机房的日常维护、升级、电费等使有限的经费更加紧缺,致使学校的计算机无法及时维修和更新。如何将有限的教育经费用在“刀刃”上,产生最大的效益,文章探讨的这种“一台电脑变2~30台”的技术也许能给大家很好的参考。  关键词:一拖多;教育公平  中图分类号:G484文献标识码:
采访蔡铭泽院长时,他说自己不是一个很聪明的人,但 对认准了的那件事,就要咬着牙坚持到底,也许正是这份执 着和创新的愿望逐渐改变着暨南大学新闻学院,改变着如 我们一样的学
随着数学新课程改革的启动和运行,了解学生的内心世界成为教U币的共识,数学日记也渐渐成为学生倾吐学习数学心声的一方天空,是开启学生智慧之门的一把金钥匙。 一、培养良好的习