在2006年2月28日邛崃市春季兰展上,有盆获得金奖的春剑红花荷瓣吸引了众多兰友,它被围得水泄不通,兰友们争相品评。时隔几天后的大邑兰展上, 这盆红花荷瓣又获金奖。2006年3月6号,作为四川春季兰展的收关之作的双流兰博会,在各类奇花、名花如云的展台上,这盆春剑红花荷瓣脱颖而出,勇夺特别金奖。这就是由邛崃的孙俊林先生选育并送展的邛州红荷。
On February 28, 2006, at the Spring Lantern Exhibition in Qionglai City, the Spring Sword Flower Holder with Gold Medal won many Blue Friends. It was packed around and Blue Friends competed for comment. Day after a few days orchid exhibition, this pot of red flower petals and won the gold medal. On March 6, 2006, Shuangliu Lamborghini, the show’s gate for the spring show in Sichuan Province, stood out on all kinds of flowers and famous flowers. Gold Award. This is the Pizhou Red Lotus bred and presented by Mr. Sun Junlin.