Differences between China and Western Countries on Numbers

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  Abstract: Different cultures transmit different values and prepare people differently for life. The paper focuses on the reasons of different attitudes to numbers and the emphasis on notices to be taken into consideration. Analyzing the differences will certainly be constructive to a better understanding of both Chinese and Western culture.
  Key Words: cultural differences; number attitudes; analyzing reasons
  Technically speaking, number refers to the concept created to designate the quantity or order of things, persons or events. There seems to be no dispute over this technical aspect of number. A number is a word or symbol, and different languages may have different set of symbols to denote specific numbers. A comparative study of numbers between China and western countries cannot be done without the knowledge of number, such as lucky numbers, unlucky numbers, even numbers and singular numbers.[1]26
  1.The Reasons Why Different Attitudes to Numbers Exist
  A language is deeply rooted in its culture and reflects its culture. It is race history, ecological environment, religion, custom, appreciation of the beauty and ways of thought that form different culture. And those cultural differences cause people endow different feelings and meaning with the same numbers.
  1.1 Race History
  Different groups of different people exhibit different history. People are shaped by both external factors and internal factors. So is the culture. Race history is one of the factors.
  Both Chinese civilization and western civilization have a long history. Western civilization comes from Greek civilization, the Roman civilization and Christian civilization. At the beginning these three civilizations had great differences. During the race development they gradually came to the same point. Chinese civilization comes from Pre-Qin Dynasty. China became strong until Han Dynasty. After Han Dynasty, instead of high-hand, China became courteous because of Confucian Thought. At the same time Roman Empire ruled the west.
  1.2 Pronunciation
  Language has great power so is oral language. We communicate with others mainly by speaking. English and Chinese are different in both writing and pronunciation. And the differences of pronunciation have great effects on the use of numbers. For the same number 6, in English its pronunciation like sex so people choose days having 6 to hold their weddings; in Chinese its pronunciation is liu, meaning smooth going, so people like to use 6 as their telephone numbers or number plate.   At most of the time we have to speak so pronunciation takes great part in a language, stimulating the use of language to change. Of course, different languages have different changes. It’s not allowed to neglect pronunciation.
  1.3 Philosophy and Religion
  Philosophy and Religion are two factors of the most important reasons.
  Philosophy and religion are thought to be the core source of a culture and sometimes they play a dominant role in a high social field. They represent universal expressions of the human mind. Too many numbers were added philosophical or religious meanings, which are demonstrated in some eastern classic texts, like Dao De Jing《道德经》 and The Analects 《论语》. The Bible is another source.
  Firstly there are the numbers actually mentioned in the text of the Bible itself such as the 40 days and nights it rained while Noah was in the ark. Many of these numbers clearly show a consistent symbolic meaning and give us clues to the meaning of other numbers.
  Secondly there are patterns within the occurrence of words and phrases, for example, how many times the name of Moses is mentioned in the Bible, how often is the Greek word apocalypse used, and so on.
  Finally because of the nature of the numbering systems used in the Hebrew and Greek languages which the Bible was originally written in, every letter, every word, every phrase and every passage in the Bible has a number value. 7 spiritual perfection, God’s seal; 8 resurrection, new life; 9 judgment; 10 ordinal perfection; 13 rebellion; 29 nature of man strength; 70 Jerusalem; 81 = 9 x 9, ultimate judgment; 153 the sons of God.
  Since China has a long history, her civilization has been one of the oldest in the world. Central to the philosophical thought of ancient China are the Hundred School of Thought, among which the most notable are Confucianism and Taoism. In Taoism one is used to designate Tao(道), the beginning of the world, the primordial unity at the basis of creation, of which everything is conceived : one produced two, two produced three, and three produced everything. [6]87
  (四)Ecological Environment
  There are also other reasons forming cultural differences, such as ecological environment. Ecological environment is where people spend their whole lives in so it has great influences on culture.
  Han nationality lives to the mainland, mainly living together in the center of the earth. People of Han nationality have the stable point of view characteristic. To the environment their feelings are safe and fusion and in thought they are fastidious of “ beauty gather one” (天人合一”). Therefore their understandings of nature are rich and kind. Their feeling way and cognition way pay great attention to the subjective and direct-viewing experiences. So their language has the character of “ agreement in thought” (意合), having connotation and expressing things profoundly.   Most westerners live in islands or move about in search of pasture. Opposite with Chinese their ways of lives are movable and unstable. They have the certain independence, thinking that nature is against with human beings. In thought they pay attention to form and analysis. This way of thought makes westerners “agreement in form” (形合) when deal with numbers. In fact that limits displaying the significance of digital association.
  2. Aspects Focused When Communicating with Western People
  Happy conversations need the endeavor of the bilateral sides so if you want the conversation to go on, don not just pay attention to your own feeling. To think more for others: to others your topic is good or not, your words are proper, whether you cut in others’ talk and so on.
  2.1 Avoiding Taboos
  In numbers there are many taboos. People should avoid them carefully.
  The most obvious one is the number 13. Western sometimes use “a devil’s dozen” instead of directly saying 13. When you buy a dozen of bread, usually the baker will send one more to you. People all know themselves get 13 bread but they don not speak out 13, use other replacing words, such as a devil’s dozen, or still say they have a dozen.
  Most race car drivers consider 13 a very unlucky number, as a car carrying that number has never won the Indianapolis 500 or a NASCAR Nextel Cup race, and most all Formula 1 teams are no longer given the number 13 when car numbers are given out to teams on basis of points. Usually the team finishing seventh in the previous year’s championship will take the numbers 14 and 15, instead of 13 and 14. Only once in recent years (1991, Ricky Johnson) has an AMA Motocross rider chosen #13 instead of #14. Some NASCAR tracks refuse to have a pit stall #13. [4]90
  Of course, different regions have different taboos. Maybe the taboos in one country are lucky things in another. There are also people choosing 13 as their lucky number.
  2.2 Making Use of the Same with Western People as Topic
  Sometimes you can use cultural differences as topic. They are often proved to be good topics. It can not only avoid situations that have no speaking to say but also let you know why local people use numbers in that way. And you can introduce your culture as well, and then each one will have knowledge of each other. There will be not communicating barriers.
  For example westerners like the number 4 but there is some small exception- they do not choose Thursday when they hold weddings because they believe the luck fades on Thursday. You can ask whether it is true at the same time you know some local custom. Such exceptions should be paid enough attention. At most time the situations are the same. If you also grasp these exceptions, you have already known most part of culture.
  3. Conclusion
  The paper only reflects different number meanings in different cultures, aspects people should focus when communicating, and shows some phenomena of Western culture and Chinese culture. Understanding these phenomena are helpful for us to strengthen the cultural sensitivity, respecting the cultural custom of the opposite side, thus you can achieve the best communicating effect.
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【摘 要】我国是风力大国,随着相关技术的快速发展,大型风力发电机组已经得到越来越多的应用,而发电机组容量的不断增大亦预示着风力机和其零部件承受的负载越高,其安全隐患及寿命必然会受到影响,因此本文对大型风力发电机组系统结构强化进行了分析,并采用了相应的优化对策。  【关键词】大型风力发电机组;系统结构强化;优化对策  能源环境问题已经成为我国可持续发展的关键问题,而风力发电则是有效保护环境又能提供清
【摘 要】建筑工程施工项目管理是确保建筑项目的以顺利实施的关键,本文主要对建筑工程施工项目管理方面进行了探析,以实现建筑项目管理的目标。  【关键词】项目管理 四大控制  建筑工程施工项目管理是通过对建筑项目施工的全过程进行有计划地管理与协调,来达到优化资源配置,控制工程成本、提高工程质量、缩短工程工期、确保施工安全的目的,总之,建筑工程施工项目管理是建筑工程施工过程的关键环节之一,加强建筑工程施
【摘 要】随着电力网往大容量、高电压方向发展,电网结构越来越复杂,经济、政治、军事等各行业对电力的依赖越来越高,对系统稳定性、安全性要求也越来越高,蓄电池是变电站直流系统中重要设备,文章从蓄电池的结构、原理出发,对蓄电池的性能指标、阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池的运行维护作一介绍,让大家对电池运行、维护、管理有更多了解,以确保系统可靠稳定的运行,延长电池使用寿命。  【关键词】电力系统 阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池
【摘 要】本文阐述的机电一体化技术的定义,特点以及发展历程,并针对机电一体化技术所需的共性关键技术进行了分析,基于此分析,探索了未来机电一体化发展的方向,对机电一体化的研究有参考指导意义。  【关键词】机电一体化 发展历程 关键技术 发展趋势  机电一体化最早出现在1971年日本杂志《机械设计》的副刊上,随着机电一体化技术的快速发展,现在的机电一体化技术,是将机械技术、电工电子技术、微电子技术、信
【摘 要】施工企业要不断提高在现场管理中的技术水平,最大限度的优化材料、人员、制度等资源配置,以实现企业效益的最大化,增强企业自身在行业中的核心竞争力。本文探讨了建筑工程现场施工管理的措施。  【关键词】建筑工程 现场 施工管理 措施  随着我国经济的飞速发展和现代城市建设步伐的加快,全国各地正在新建众多的工程,这既带来了建筑市场的繁荣,又促进社会经济的增长。施工现场管理可以直观的看出一个施工企业
【摘 要】最近几十年来,世界风力发电技术取得了突飞猛进的发展,风能也已成为世界能源中增长最快的一种。到目前为止,绝大部分地区都在应用风力发电机组进行日常发电工作,整个机组当中,齿轮箱的结构影响着发电效率和发现质量。日后应对风力发电机组齿轮箱的结构展开深入研究,同时针对不同的故障,采取有效的诊断方式,采取强力措施,彻底解决问题,避免齿轮箱的各项问题反复发生,影响发电工作。  【关键词】风力发电机组齿
【摘 要】能源危机时代的到来使得可再生资源的开发成为必然趋势,风力发电在各国电网供电系统中所占比例日渐增高。低电压穿越技术是衡量电网系统技术的关键指标。本文介绍了三种类型的风电机实现电压穿越时的具体情况,探讨了实现低电压穿越的实现方案 。  【关键词】风力发电系统 低电压 穿越  0. 引言  随着工业化的进程加快,能源问题日趋尖锐化,世界各国都在开发新的可再生能源,利用风力发电也在全球范围内日趋
【摘 要】在交流电动机等众多的电力电子设备中都需要变频器,变频器在生产生活中都发挥着关键作用。但是在实际的运行过程中,由于外部因素、自身因素以及人为因素的影响,变频器经常会出现故障,难以实现预期效果。本文介绍了变频器的相关概念和工作原理,重点分析了变频器的几种常见故障和维护措施,旨在使变频器能够正常安全的运行。  【关键词】变频器 故障分析 故障原因 维护措施 探究  电力技术和电子技术的发展使得
【摘 要】随着中国经济建设和城市化,对土地需求强劲的加速,使土地和经济可持续发展,就必须加强建设用地管理更加科学化、规范化、制度化和数字化。数字化技术对土地勘测技术的发展是非常重要的,本文通过探索和思考得出一些经验和方法,为广大同仁讨论。  【关键词】数字化 土地工程 土地勘测技术  前言:  土地界线测量是指采集、传输、使用,以提供各类建设项目的土地使用、边界标记的位置确定的领域划分,标定土地边
【摘 要】设计一种塔式起重机触电预警装置,并给出装置的各个设计模块及传感器安装位置,从而防止塔式起重机触电危险。  【关键词】塔式起重机 触电预警 传感器  《塔式起重机检验规程》规定《有架空输电线的场所,起重机的任何部位与输电线的安全距离,应符合不同电压等级的安全距离的规定,以避免起重机结构进入输电线的危险区。当起重机的设备,如吊臂、吊具、钢丝绳等部分靠近输电线时,在输电线产生的磁场中运动,可能