F-16战斗机的外形看上去既小巧又威严,尤其是那略微向下倾斜的尖头,就像隼的尖嘴,飞在空中就像一只巨大的隼,所以美军给F-16起了一个绰号叫“战隼”。最让人注目的是F-16战斗机采用的腹部进气道的设计,在F-16出现之前,战斗机的进气道大都采用机头进气或是机身两侧进气。采用腹部进气有许多优点,比如进气道不会吸入跑道上的外来物和机炮发射时产生的烟雾。现在这种腹部进气道已为世界上许多高性能战斗机所效仿。F-16C的机长15.03米,机高5.09米,翼展为9.45米,实用升限为17200米,最大挂弹约为6800千克,翼尖上可挂空空导弹,翼下和机身处挂架可挂空空、空地导弹、激光制导炸弹等,最大平飞速度为2马赫。 斯科特雷德和莱特的飞机飞到了波黑北部的塞族控制区上空。突然,斯科特雷德听到一阵滴……滴……声,这是警报系统发出的警报声。F-16C安装了
F-16 fighter appearance looks small and majestic, especially that slightly downward tilted pointed, like a falcon's beak, flying in the air is like a huge Falcon, so the US military to the F-16 A nickname is “Fighting Falcons.” Most notable is the design of the abdomen air intake used by the F-16 fighters. Most of the fighter's air intakes use air intake on the nose or both sides of the fuselage before the F-16 appears. Adopting abdomen air intake has many advantages, such as the inlet does not inhabit the runway of foreign objects and the smoke generated when the gun fired. Now this abdomen inlet has been followed by many high-performance fighters in the world. F-16C captain 15.03 meters, 5.09 meters high, span of 9.45 meters, practical ceiling is 17200 meters, the maximum about 6,800 kg shells, the wing tip can be empty missiles, wing and the fuselage at the rack Can be empty, open space missiles, laser-guided bombs, etc., the maximum level flying Mach 2. The aircraft from Scott Red and Wright flew over the Serbian controlled area north of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Suddenly, Scott Red heard a drop ... drop ... and this was the alarm sound from the alarm system. F-16C installed