Application of ovarian transposition during hysterectomy

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuleizishen
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Objective To study the optimal position and method for ovarian transposition and its benefits and indications.Methods We performed ovarian transposition in 34 patients from August 1989 to December 2000. Twelve patients were diagnosed with stage Ⅰb to Ⅱa cervical cancer, 4 had stage Ⅰa endometrial carcinoma, 12 had stage Ⅲ to Ⅳ endometriosis, 4 had myoma of uterus, 1 had dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and 1 had an ovarian granulosa cell tumor. Surgery went as follows: the ovary was dissociated by clamp, the skin was incised and a tunnel was made, then the ovary was translocated to the subcutaneous site. In the cases of benign lesions, the ovarian vessel pedicel went in through the abdominal cavity, but in malignant tumors, it went out through the peritoneum. Results In both cases (benign lesions or malignant tumors), the short-term and long-term endocrine function of the translocated ovary remained normal. Furthermore, patients could supervise their translocated ovary themselves.Conclusions Subcutaneous ovary transposition might prevent not only implantation of gastrointestinal cancer but also the extension of pelvic carcinoma to the ovary. Because of the shallow transposition and the incision scar, it is easy for patients to supervise themselves. Moreover, the site of the ovary is easy to locate for ultrasound examinations. Thus, it can obtain the goal of early prevention for cancer. Subcutaneous ovarian transposition with skin incision is the optimal selection and suitable for all patients with various gynecologic diseases in which ovary removal is not necessary.
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