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全国电视的竞争已经进入白热化的阶段,如何在这场贴身肉搏战中先声夺人,如何在全国泛娱乐化的潮流中突出重围,这是每一个电视人都要面临的考验。重庆卫视地处我国西部,虽然有着深厚的文化底蕴支撑,但是与东部省市拥有的资源相比,仍有着一定的欠缺。重庆卫视没有在此困顿,而是深耕资源、整合资源,再造资源,开创出一片属于自己的新天地。不论是2008年上半年,重庆卫视围绕“故事中国?人文天下”的定位而深入构建的频道品牌,地震期间所表现出的大爱,还是2009年的“中国红”的全新形象定位,都给观众的心灵以震撼。尤其是在地震期间,重庆卫视不间断地播出报道前沿新闻,始终与百姓站在一起的实际行动,体现了一个媒体的大台风范和社会责任。2009年,在全球经济仍然萎靡不振的大背景下,要实现媒体的进一步提升显得意义更加非凡。重庆卫视再一次快速出击,以红动中国的理念在观众面前全新亮相,这不仅是对中国60华诞的隆重献礼,更是重庆卫视一次全新洗礼! The competition in the national television industry has entered a phase of intense competition. How to win the first place in this personal melee fight and how to make a breakthrough in the trend of pan-entertainment in the whole country is the test for every TV personality. Chongqing Satellite TV is located in the western part of China. Although it has deep cultural support, it still lags behind the resources owned by eastern provinces and cities. Chongqing Satellite TV is not in this predicament, but to cultivate resources, integrate resources, rebuild resources and create a new world of their own. Whether in the first half of 2008, Chongqing Satellite TV set up a channel brand centered around the positioning of “The Story of China and the World of Humanity.” The great love shown during the earthquake was also a brand new image of “China Red” in 2009 Positioning, give the audience’s heart to shock. Especially during the earthquake, Chongqing Satellite TV broadcast the uninterrupted coverage of cutting-edge news coverage, and always stand with the people’s practical action, reflecting the media’s Taiwan style and social responsibility. In 2009, under the background that the global economy is still in a doldrums, it is even more remarkable to achieve further media promotion. Chongqing Satellite TV once again quickly attacked with the idea of ​​moving China in front of the audience a new appearance, which is not only a grand tribute to the 60th birthday of China, but also a new christening of Chongqing Satellite TV!
生命是韶光之海的清澈双眼,情韵是岁月之花的温柔点缀。站在记忆深处回眸,最难忘的是姐弟之间那份不了的深情。  —— 题记  姐姐,你还好吗?  你是否还记得陪我走过的那段烦心岁月?或许,你已经忘记了……  还记得五年前,我是一个懵懂无知的孩童。那时的我如同一张雪白的纸,经不起同学的言语诱惑,颤颤巍巍地迈入网吧。直到夜晚,你如同一位洁白的天使出现,挽救了我沾染污垢的心灵。清冽的月光刺过我的心头,我沉默
满树秋华,落地无声。  又一阵秋风萧瑟拂过,穿过我的耳膜,飘过我的发梢。一片枫叶随风飞舞,似一只疲惫的蝴蝶,缓缓盘旋,亲吻过我的鼻尖,落在我的脚边。我似乎听见了枫叶心碎的声音,它终是摆脱不了命运的摧残,还是与树分离,虽然它看见了树眼里的哀痛。  坐在院子中的我无所事事,拿着手机兴致勃勃地刷着各种帖子,大同小异,相差无几。尽管如此,也不愿放下,更不愿意与许久不见的爷爷奶奶说说话。只因为,他们老了,我