,Modulatory effect of substance P on GABA-activated currents from rat dorsal root ganglion

来源 :中国药理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jw____
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AIM: To explore the modulatory effect of substance P (SP) on GABA-activated current of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons in rat. METHODS: The whole-cell patch-clamp technique was used to record SP- and GABAactivated currents in neurons freshly dissociated from rat DRG neurons. Drugs were applied by rapid solution exchange. RESULTS: Application of SP (28/41, 68.5 %) and GABA (36/41, 88.2 %) could induce concentrationdependent inward current in some cells. SP-(10 μmol/L) and GABA (100 μmol/L)-activated inward currents were (244±83) pA (n=9) and (1.8±0.5) nA (n=13), respectively. The majority of GABA-activated current had obvious three processes, the peak value (Ip), the steady state (Iss) and the desensitization (Ia). The desensitization of GABAactivated current was a biphasic process, including fast and slow desensitization. However, pre-application of SP (0.001-1 μmol/L) could inhibit the GABA-activated inward current which was identified to be GABAA receptormediated current. The inhibitory effects were concentration-dependent. The inhibitory effect of SP on the peak value of GABA-activated current was more than the steady state of GABA-activated current. The inhibition of GABA-activated current by SP (0.1 μmol/L) was related to the time after application of SP, the inhibition of GABAactivated currents by SP reached the peak at about 4 min (49.8 %±7.2 %, n=7, P<0.01) and took about 12 min to get a full recovery. The inhibition of GABA-activated currents by SP was almost completely removed after blockade of PKC by H-7 with the re-patch clamp. CONCLUSION: Pre-application of SP exerts a more strong inhibitory effect on the peak value of GABA-activated current than the steady state of GABA-activated current.
[摘 要] 作为概率的动态部分, 随机过程主要是研究随机现象的动态特征。随着经济活动的日趋复杂,通过对时空变化的经济、金融等社会中的复杂现象构建合适的动态模型并通过对模型的研究来揭示这些复杂社会现象所蕴含的内在的性质及相互联系,并进行预测和分析变得日趋重要。基于此,作为研究随机现象的必修理论“随机过程”越来越受到重视并被许多专业列为必修课。结合多年的教学实践,本文就经济统计专业的“应用随机过程”的
[摘 要] 随着微媒体的发展,传统的单一直线型教学模式已与现实严重脱节。鉴于高校艺体生特殊的性格特征及大学英语教学现状,教师应充分发挥微媒体在艺体生大学英语教学中的优势,探索更加适合艺体生的大学英语教学模式,力求最大限度地提升艺体生大学英语教学效果。   [关键词] 微媒体; 艺体生; 大学英语;教学模式   [中图分类号]G642 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1008-2549(