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当我们在讨论政治保守主义这个概念的时候,必须清醒地意识到,政治保守主义不是强调某个统治者的合法性,也不是强调某个统治者制定政策的合理性,而是强调在社会稳定的基础上,如何实现人民当家作主。千万不能把现代政治保守主义与西方国家历史上的政治保守主义相提并论,也不能把现代政治文明条件下的政治保守主义与中国封建君王信奉的政治保守主义相提并论。现代政治保守主义是一种分析社会的思维方式,同时也是一种尊重文明传统的政治学说。现代政治保守主义要求改革者必须尊重中国的历史事实,必须在人民当家作主的基础之上,重新规划中国未来的政治蓝图。政治保守主义不应该被看作是一个不思进取的政治主张,而应当看作是一个鼓吹政治改革的先进理论。 When we talk about the concept of political conservatism, we must clearly understand that political conservatism does not emphasize the legitimacy of a ruler, nor emphasizes the rationality of a ruler in formulating policies. Instead, he emphasizes that social stability On the basis of how to realize the people as the masters. The modern political conservatism must not be compared with the political conservatism in the history of western countries, nor can the political conservatism under the conditions of modern political civilization be compared with the political conservatism that the feudal monarchs in China believe. Modern political conservatism is a way of thinking that analyzes society and is also a political doctrine that respects the traditions of civilization. Modern political conservatism requires that reformers must respect China’s historical facts and must redo plan the political blueprint of China’s future on the basis of people’s masters of the country. Political conservatism should not be seen as an unscrupulous political idea, but rather as an advanced theory advocating political reform.
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