
来源 :临床肿瘤学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangwei0541
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基底细胞癌(Basal Cell Cancer,BCC)和鳞状细胞癌(Squamous Cell Cancer,SCC)是颜面部皮肤最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。本文搜集了我院1993年6月~1997年6月收治的颜面部皮肤癌42例,通过回顾分析,重点对颜面部皮肤癌的临床特点和手术治疗进行探讨。现报告如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组42例中,男性25例,女性17例,男女之比为1.5:1;年龄32~83岁(50岁以上者37例,占88.1%),平均63.2岁。发病至第一次就诊时间,最短1月,最长15年;SCC平均1年,BCC平均3.5年。病理类型:BCC 24例,SCC 16例,皮肤附件癌2例(汗腺癌和外毛根鞘癌各1例)。 1.2 病变部位 眶周14例,鼻部12例,面颊部8例,耳部4例,颞部和额部各2例。 1.3 临床分期 按UICC 1992年皮肤癌TNM分期T_1N_0M_0 8例,T_2N_0M_0+T_3N_0M_0为24例,T_4N_0M_0或TN_1M_010例。临床分期:Ⅰ期8例,Ⅱ期24例,Ⅲ期10例。 1.4 治疗方法 本组42例中单纯手术24例,手术+放疗10例,手术+放疗+化疗4例,单纯放疗4例。术后创面的修复:直接缝合18例,局部旋转皮 Basal cell cancer (BCC) and squamous cell cancer (SCC) are one of the most common malignant tumors of facial skin. This article collected 42 facial skin cancers from June 1993 to June 1997 in our hospital. Through retrospective analysis, we focused on the clinical features and surgical treatment of facial skin cancer. The report is as follows: 1 Clinical data 1.1 General information In this group of 42 cases, 25 males and 17 females, the ratio of male to female was 1.5:1, and the age was 32-83 years old (37 patients over 50 years old, accounting for 88.1%). Average 63.2 years old. Incidence to the first visit, the shortest in January, the longest 15 years; SCC an average of 1 year, BCC an average of 3.5 years. Pathological types: 24 cases of BCC, 16 cases of SCC, and 2 cases of adnexal skin cancer (1 case of sweat gland cancer and 1 case of outer root sheath cancer). 1.2 Lesion sites 14 cases of periorbital weeks, 12 cases of nasal, cheeks in 8 cases, 4 cases in the ear, 2 cases in the ankle and forehead. 1.3 Clinical stages According to the UICC 1992 TNM staging T_1N_0M_0, T_2N_0M_0+T_3N_0M_0 24 cases, T_4N_0M_0 or TN_1M_010 cases. Clinical stage: 8 cases in stage I, 24 cases in stage II, and 10 cases in stage III. 1.4 Treatment Methods In this group of 42 cases of surgery alone in 24 cases, surgery + radiotherapy in 10 cases, surgery + radiotherapy + chemotherapy in 4 cases, 4 cases of radiotherapy alone. Postoperative wound repair: direct suture in 18 cases, localized rotating skin
中国深圳外贸中心大厦的主楼采用了下层大柱距筒中筒结构,本文介绍了这个工程的结构设计概况,并对结构的受力状态进行了分析和讨论。 The main building of China Shenzhen
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【评介】这首歌集叙事、抒情和幽默、讽刺于一体,此种类型的歌曲已很少看到了从商调式进入到宫调式,具有强烈的民族风格, [Comment] This song set narrative, lyrical and