London Struts on the World Stage

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  IT’S been a summer of spectacle in London, from the celebrations of the queen’s Diamond Jubilee to the ambitiously named World Shakespeare Festival, and now the grandest show of them all, the 2012 Summer Olympics, which will formally begin tonight with an extravagant opening ceremony orchestrated by the film director Danny Boyle.
  It’s no accident that all this theater is taking place in a Britain staggered by economic meltdown, a controversial austerity budget and a crisis of political legitimacy following the hacking scandal, which exposed the cozy relationship between News Corporation and the nation’s elite. At times of political or economic crisis, the British have always turned to spectacles as a way of projecting — or creating — power.
  Shakespeare often explored how spectacle could hide weakness on the British stage. He learned it from the true master of this art: Queen Elizabeth I. At her accession in 1558, she inherited a kingdom sharply divided between Catholics and Protestants and facing the threat of a Spanish invasion. She took to the streets of London in a lavish coronation procession, where she made a show of being moved by her subjects’ love for her, setting the tone for a “Cult of Elizabeth” in the national imagination. “We princes, ” she said, “are set on stages, in the sight and view of all the world. ”
  Centuries later, Londoners wearied by the Blitz and five years of world war turned to Shakespeare. Cinematic legend has it that Winston Churchill commissioned a rousing film production of “Henry V, ” starring Laurence Olivier, to coincide with the planned invasion of France. Churchill even instructed tax officials to consider Olivier’s salary tax-free. The Inland Revenue was not pleased. But what’s money compared to British glory?
  历史翻到几个世纪之后,厌烦了闪电式轰炸和绵延五年的世界大战的英国人将目光转向了莎士比亚 。电影界的一个传说是,战时首相丘吉尔曾在即将强攻法国时下令拍摄了鼓舞人心的影片《亨利五世》,主演是劳伦斯·奥利弗。丘吉尔甚至指示税务官员,让他们考虑对奥利弗的薪水免税。英国的国内税务局不乐意了,但什么样的金钱比得上不列颠的荣誉呢?
  When London last staged the Olympics, in 1948, the capital was still scarred by bomb damage, ration cards were required to buy food, and the athletes were housed in the homes of volunteers. But these “Austerity Games” showed the world the city’s resilience at a time when postwar rebuilding had only just begun. In contemporary Britain, austerity may once again be the political reality, but where there’s no bread, there can apparently be circuses.   伦敦上一次举办奥运会是在1948年 ,炮弹轰炸在城市里留下的伤疤还历历在目。买食物需要配给卡,运动员只能住在志愿者的房子里。但是,在那个战后重建工作刚刚开始的时候,那届“艰苦朴素的奥运会”向世界展示了伦敦的韧性。在今天的伦敦,艰苦朴素恐怕会再次成为政治上的现实,但对英国来说,即使在没有面包的地方,显然也可以有马戏团。
  In December, Prime Minister David Cameron doubled the budget for the Games’s opening and closing ceremonies, to about $107 million, to “showcase the best of Britain to a massive global TV audience. ” Reports this week from London speak of tension on the set; if tempers are running high, it’s probably because so much is at stake. Critics are questioning the expense of the games, which will cost a total of about $18 billion, with words like “fiasco, ” “disaster” and “complete nightmare. ” Last year, rioters, and the Occupy protesters encamped at St. Paul’s Cathedral, staged their own spectacles of anger and dissent. But Mr. Boyle’s big-budget ceremony, titled “Isles of Wonder” in a nod to a speech by Caliban in “The Tempest, ” will try to deliver exactly what Elizabethan London did so well: theater that resolves the culture’s tensions by entrancing even its furious Calibans with the wonders of this sceptered isle.
  去年12月,英国首相戴维·卡梅伦将奥运会开闭幕式的预算翻倍,提升至1. 07亿美元,为的是“向数量庞大的全球电视观众展现出不列颠最精彩的一面”。但就本周从伦敦发回的报道来看,这种大手笔似乎引起了社会气氛的紧张。如果说民众情绪激动,恐怕是因为英国押的宝太大了。总数高达180亿美元左右的奥运会开销受到批评家的质疑,批评声中不乏“惨败”、“灾难”和“彻底的噩梦”这样的字眼。去年,骚乱者和“占领”运动的抗议者们在圣保罗大教堂扎营抗议,自行上演了一场以愤怒和异议为主题的“盛会”。但波尔导演的这场预算高昂的开幕式以“奇幻之岛”为名,借用了莎剧《暴风雨》当中卡利班的说法,旨在做到和伊丽莎白一世当年一模一样的事情:以戏剧性的场面纾解文化中的冲突,方法则是用这个君主岛国的种种奇迹麻醉众人,甚至是像卡利班这样的愤怒反对派。
  In the midst of the World Shakespeare Festival this summer, archaeologists discovered the remains of the Curtain — Shakespeare’s theater during the building of the Globe, the original “wooden O” of “Henry V” — beneath a construction site in East London. What lies hidden at the foundations of London, it turns out, is theater. The raising of the Curtain offered a timely reminder of another age in which spectacles of power concealed mountains of debt. In the 1590s, both Shakespeare’s company and Queen Elizabeth were in the red, but that made the performance of wealth and power all the more crucial.
  What “Henry V” taught British audiences was the power of performance to overcome fear. “Imitate the action of the tiger, ” Henry tells his soldiers when urging them once more unto the breach, “disguise fair nature with hard-favoured rage. ” That is, show me your war face; act like a hero and you’ll become one; make history by imitating past glories.   《亨利五世》带给英国观众的启发是,表演的力量可以克服恐惧。在催促士兵再一次冲上城墙缺口的时候,亨利五世说道:“模仿老虎的动作,用可怖的怒火遮掩你们温和的个性。” 这句话的意思就是,将你好战的一面暴露出来;像英雄那样行事,你就会成为一名英雄;模仿过去的荣耀可以创造今日的历史。
  Of course, this image of the actor-king is a double-edged sword. Even Elizabeth recognized the portrait of herself in Shakespeare’s portrait of the failed king Richard II, which was staged by her enemies during the Essex Rebellion. “I am Richard II, ” she is believed to have said. “Know ye not that?”
  Even if the Shakespeare festival confronts Londoners with the unpleasant realization that the most interesting productions of the bard’s plays come dressed in foreign costumes — while their own theater companies have slipped into playing to the tourists who pay the bills — it’s still the empire of culture that colonized those distant lands, mining their traditions to spice up the British imagination.
  The British can no longer conquer the world with yeomen’s cries of “God for Harry! England and Saint George!” but the world still tunes in to watch their spectacles with fascination. And more important, so do the British. These spectacles allow them to regain their composure after a season of bad news, but also to compose themselves as the Great Britain we know so well, turning the well-worn face of majesty to the world once more.
  不列颠已经不能再在帝国义勇军 “上帝保佑亨利!英格兰和圣乔治!”的呼声中征服世界,但全世界仍将目光集中到英国,如痴如醉地观看他们的盛典。更重要的是,英国人自己也在看。在一系列坏消息之后,这样的盛典能够安定民心,还能将英国民众凝聚成我们所熟悉的大不列颠形象,让世人再一次看到它那张饱经风霜的威严面孔。?
  Sergei Lobanov-Rostovsky is a professor of English at Kenyon College.
  The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. 过去无法改变,未来却由你掌控。    I never change, I simply become more myself. 我并没有变,只是越来越接近真实的自己。  电影海报  让人联想到荷兰后印象派画家梵高的《星夜》(Starry Night)  如果没有被一
《卡萨布兰卡》,又译作“北非谍影”,是一部1942年的美国黑白电影。  电影背景设置在二战中受维希法国(维希法国是第二次世界大战期间,大德意志帝国占领下的法国傀儡政府,它还被称为维希政权,维希政府,或简单的“维希”。1940年6月德国侵占巴黎后,以贝当为首的法国政府向德国投降,1940年7月政府所在地迁至法国中部的维希,故名。正式国号为法兰西国)控制的摩洛哥城市卡萨布兰卡(现名“达尔贝达”)。影片
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现在有不少中国的家长希望送子女到美国上高中,但对美国的高中情况不大了解,这方面的资讯相对大学来说少得可怜。我因为自己的孩子在美国从小学读到大学,对美国的教育体制有一些切身的了解,所以愿在这里与大家分享,希望对读者有所裨益。  美国实施的是十二年义务教育,中小学学制从学年划分来说,大多采取五、三、四制,即小学五年,初中三年,高中四年。这个学制,在初中与高中部分可能与中国不大一样,美国的高中,是从九年
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