
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zdb_zhang
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由大连广播电视学会、大连电视台联合举办的电视理论研讨会于8月13日至14日在大连召开,研讨会就电视的宣传规律和特点及如何发挥电视优势等问题进行了广泛而深入的探讨。研讨会共收论文21篇,涉及的内容广泛,反映了电视理论意识的增强。辽宁广播电视学会常务副会长靳韬光、副会长兼秘书长白天明,在会上分别就最近两年的电视宣传的发展、进一步认识我国电视的性质和任务,以及电视播出的语言运用问题,作了学术报告。中共大连市委副书记林庆民、省委宣传部副部长董志正到会祝贺,并讲了话。 The TV theory seminar co-organized by Dalian Radio and Television Institute and Dalian Television Station was held in Dalian from August 13 to August 14. The seminar conducted a wide-ranging and in-depth discussion on the rules and characteristics of television programs and how to develop the advantages of television. . The symposium received a total of 21 papers, covering a wide range of content, reflecting the television theory to enhance awareness. Jin Tao-guang, executive vice president of Liaoning Radio and Television Society, Bai Tianying, vice president and secretary-general of Liaoning Radio and Television Society, respectively made further briefings on the development of television propaganda in the past two years, further understanding the nature and tasks of China’s television and the language use of television broadcasting, Made an academic report Lin Qingmin, deputy secretary of the CPC Dalian Municipal Committee, Dong Zhizheng, vice minister of the Propaganda Department of the provincial party committee, was here to congratulate and made a speech.
玉米(Zea Mays L.)杂交种豫玉3号在孕穗期采用叶面喷施:0.5% KH_2PO_4、0.01%“叶面宝”、0.1%“爱农”、0.4%“微肥”和蒸馏水。开花期在水分胁迫下,与未受水分胁迫的植株(CK)相
CE:What inspired you to connect traditional food with kung fu?疯狂英语:你们是怎么想到把美食与功夫结合在一起的?Yi:Ten years ago,someone asked how to makea model