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大球和11分制的改革接踵而来,整个世界乒坛都处在变革后的摸索中。毫无疑问,单打是适应新规则研究的首要对象,而双打则相对滞后。现在,最强大的中国队尚且未能完全掌握新规则下的技战术规律,何况其它的乒坛势力。与21分制时代相比,现在的双打技战术相对粗糙,以往比赛中出现的算度准确、控制刁钻的局面现在少有出现,近两年来,很难看到非常紧凑的双打经典对局。 在这种情况下,男双、女双、混双三个项目的竞争显得有些混乱,许多成名已久的老搭档因各种原因分道扬镳,不仅是习惯散兵游勇式作战的欧洲兵团,甚至素以训练严谨著称的中韩集团军也大规模出现双打项目走马灯似的乱点鸳鸯谱的现象。现在的世界乒坛,少有三年以上的双打配对。 在双打纷繁芜杂的局面下,强调集体研究的中韩两支乒乓球队依然占有明显的优势,在男双、女双、混双三个项目中,中韩都形成了势均力敌的对抗,他们之间的针尖对麦芒将是巴黎世乒赛双打竞争的主流。 Big balls and 11-point reform came one after another, the entire world table tennis are in the groping after the change. There is no doubt that singles are the primary target to adapt to the study of the new rules, while the doubles are relatively lagging behind. Now, the most powerful Chinese team still failed to fully grasp the rules and regulations under the new rules of technology and tactics, not to mention the other pingtan forces. Compared with the 21-point era, the doubles skills and tactics are relatively rough nowadays. In the past, the degree of accuracy and control tricky appeared in the competition is rare now. In the past two years, it is hard to see the very tight doubles classic match. Under such circumstances, the competitions of the men’s doubles, doubles and mixed pairs have become somewhat confused. Many old fame partners have been parting ways for various reasons. They are not only accustomed to the European Corps in which fighters travel bravely, but are even trained The well-known China-ROK Army also appeared on the large-scale doubles project like a chaotic mandarin duck spectrum phenomenon. Now the world table tennis, less than three years of doubles pairing. Under the doubly mixed doubles situation, the two table tennis teams that emphasize the collective research in China and the ROK still have obvious advantages. In both the men’s doubles, the doubles and the mixed doubles, China and South Korea formed a evenly matched confrontation. Between the needle tip on the wheatgrass will be the mainstream of the Paris World Championships doubles competition.
2002年11月.在申建2008年奥运会乒乓球比赛场馆的过程中,北京大学致函国家体育总局.提出全面合作意向,其中包括成立乒乓球俱乐部的内容,得到有关部门的积极回应。 November
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虎年岁末。在祖国的西北边陲,凛冽冰封;可在西南大地,生机勃勃,昔日陪都、当今直辖市的重庆,在微雾中春意盎然。全国武术段位评审会议,于元月21~26日,在这儿隆重举行。 约法
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美国 NBA 篮球蜚声世界,除了其紧张激烈而又近乎艺术表演的比赛场面以及球星们出神入画的精湛球技之外,球队的名称也别具特色,令人耳目一新。只要是对 NBA 略有兴趣的人,一