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战斗在基层一线的湖南煤矿安全监察员终于有了自己的“家”-6月6日,常德煤矿安全监察办事处在成立3周年的日子里喜迁新居。湖南煤矿安全监察局领导谢光祥、许冬生、曹永仕及常德市、张家界市、怀化市、湘西自治州有关部门领导前往表示热烈祝贺。他们说,新办事处的落成意味着煤矿安全监察地位的提高,标志着我们基层煤矿安全监察机构在地方深深扎下了根。常德办事处主任陈浜在致词中自豪地宣布,常德办事处成立3年来,通过全体监察人员的不懈努力,工作取得了明显成效,3年迈了三大步:一是从2001年到2003年,辖区内煤矿事故分别下降15%、18%、38%;二是杜绝了特大事故,安全形势稳步好转;三是常德办事处2002年、2003年连续两年被国家局和湖南局评为先进办事处。 Hunan coal mine safety inspectors fighting at the grassroots level finally have their own “home” - On June 6, the Changde Coal Mine Safety Supervision Office moved to its new home on the 3rd anniversary of its founding. Leaders of Hunan Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau Xie Weixiang, Xu Dongsheng, Cao Yongshi, and leaders of relevant departments of Changde City, Zhangjiajie City, Huaihua City and Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture went to warmly congratulate. They said that the completion of the new office means that the status of coal mine safety supervision will be enhanced, signaling the deep roots of our grass-roots coal mine safety supervision agencies. In the speech, Chen Bang, director of Changde Office, proudly announced in the speech that in the three years since the establishment of Changde Office, remarkable achievements have been achieved through the unremitting efforts of all the inspectors. Three years have passed since it took three major steps: first, from 2001 to 2003, The coal mine accidents in the area decreased by 15%, 18% and 38% respectively; secondly, the serious accident was eliminated and the security situation improved steadily; thirdly, the Changde office was rated as advanced by the National Bureau and Hunan Bureau in 2002 and 2003 respectively Department.
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