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中国共产党第十八届第三次会议公报(简称三中全会公报)提出,“建设法治中国,必须深化司法体制改革……确保依法独立公正行使审判权检察权,健全司法权力运行机制”。有关专家对“确保依法独立公正行使审判权检察权”予以积极评价,认为要解决司法地方化的问题,关键是要把基层检察院、法院从地方横向领导改为由省级垂直领导,解除司法机关在人、财、物上对地方的依附关系,遏制地方保护主义对司法的干预影响,为司法机关独立公正行使审判权、检察权创造良好的制度环境。 The Communique of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee (the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China) proposes that “building a rule of law in China requires deepening the reform of the judicial system ... ensuring independent and fair exercise of the procuratorial power of judicial power independently and impartially in accordance with the law, . The relevant experts positively evaluated the procuratorial power of ”exercising judicial power independently and impartially in accordance with the law" and held that the key to resolving the issue of localizing the administration of justice lies in changing the leadership of the grass-roots procuratorates and courts from the local level to the vertical leadership at the provincial level and releasing them Judicial organs in the people, money and materials on the local dependencies, to curb the interference of local protectionism on the judiciary for the judiciary to independently and impartially exercise jurisdiction, procuratorial power to create a good institutional environment.
1.Olympic Torch Relay Planned Route Unveiled北京奥运会火炬创意灵感来自“渊源共生,和谐共融”的“祥云”图案。祥云的文化概念在中国具有上千年的时间跨度,是具有代表性
创新是党的十六大的主旋律。十六大报告不仅在理论上有许多重大的突破和创新 ,在制度上也提出了一系列重要的改革和创新的设想。为了深入学习十六大精神 ,充分挖掘十六大报告
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