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节约用水是缓解水资源紧缺的有效途径,涉及社会心理层面认知、意愿的复杂状态。设计问卷对312名北京市中学生的节水知识、意识和行为进行现状评估,系统分析三者相互关系,为推行更为有效的节水管理措施提供支持。结果显示,节水知识、意识和行为问卷的信度指标(Cronbach’sα)值分别为0.82、0.77和0.84。中学生群体缺乏对节水的精确定量认知,难以判别用水的合理程度;电视是当前的主要知识来源。水资源的稀缺性被广泛认同,中学生群体具有一定的敏感度和节水责任感,能够感知水资源条件的变化;但缺乏深入理解,尤其存在“口号化”的倾向。中学生群体在节水行为方面有待改进。通过改变自身用水方式达到节水目的的行为发生频次超过半数,而改变他人用水方式的人际行为发生率较低。节水意识显著影响节水行为,节水知识对节水意识的影响不具统计意义。节水知识除直接影响节水行为外,还通过节水意识的中介效应影响节水行为,两者效果比例大约9∶1。 Water conservation is an effective way to alleviate the shortage of water resources and involves the complex state of cognition and willingness on the social psychological level. A questionnaire was designed to assess the status quo of knowledge, awareness and behavior of 312 middle school students in Beijing. The questionnaires were used to systematically analyze the relationship among the three and provide support for the implementation of more effective water management measures. The results showed that the Cronbach’s values ​​of water saving knowledge, awareness and behavior questionnaire were 0.82, 0.77 and 0.84, respectively. The lack of accurate and quantitative knowledge of water-saving among secondary school students makes it difficult to determine the reasonableness of water use; television is the current primary source of knowledge. The scarcity of water resources is widely accepted. The secondary school students have a certain degree of sensitivity and water-saving responsibility and can sense changes in water resources conditions. However, there is a lack of in-depth understanding, especially the tendency of “sloganization.” Secondary school students need to improve water saving behavior. More than half the frequency of water saving by changing their own water use, while the incidence of interpersonal behavior that changes water use of others is lower. Water saving awareness significantly affects water saving behavior, and water saving knowledge has no statistical significance on water saving awareness. Water saving knowledge in addition to directly affect the water-saving behavior, but also through water-saving awareness of the intermediary effect of water-saving behavior, the effect of the ratio of about 9: 1.
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