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以259个小麦微核心种质为材料进行剂量为0、100、150、250 Gy的60Coγ射线辐照处理,探讨小麦微核心种质的γ射线辐射敏感性分布,以及DNA损伤修复基因TaKu70和TaKu80对辐照的应答模式。结果表明,小麦微核心种质的苗高损伤率与γ射线辐照剂量间存在着3种函数关系:对数、线性、幂函数。以苗高损伤率为50%时的辐照剂量HD50作为主要的辐射敏感性分型指标,分别统计不同函数关系的微核心种质落入不同剂量区间的基因型个数,并依此将259份微核心种质分为敏感型(10)、较敏感型(96)、较钝感型(101)、钝感型(52)。对数函数关系中以敏感型和较敏感型为主,随着γ射线辐照剂量的增加TaKu70和TaKu80基因的相对表达量与对照相比总体升高,但变化不明显;线性函数关系中以较敏感型和较钝感型为主,TaKu70和TaKu80基因的相对表达量与对照相比总体升高,随剂量的增加而逐渐递增;幂函数关系中以较钝感型和钝感型为主,TaKu70和TaKu80基因的相对表达量与对照相比总体升高,但随剂量的增加呈现先增加后降低的趋势,一般相对表达量的峰值出现在150 Gy。 A total of 259 wheat micro-core germplasms were irradiated with 60Co γ-rays at doses of 0, 100, 150 and 250 Gy to investigate the γ-ray radiation-sensitive distribution of wheat micro-core germplasm, and the DNA damage repair genes TaKu70 and TaKu80 Response mode to radiation. The results showed that there were three kinds of functional relationship between the seedling height damage rate and γ-ray irradiation dose of wheat micro-core germplasm: logarithm, linearity and power function. The radiation dose HD50 was used as the main radiation sensitivity classification index when the damage rate was 50%, and the numbers of genotypes with different kernels of micro-kernels falling into different dose ranges were calculated respectively. Based on this, 259 The micro-core germplasms were classified as sensitive type (10), sensitive type (96), more obtuse type (101) and insensitive type (52). The relationship between logarithmic function is sensitive and sensitive. The relative expression of TaKu70 and TaKu80 gene increased with the increase of γ-ray dose, but the change was not obvious. In the linear function, The more sensitive and the more obtrusive, the relative expression of TaKu70 and TaKu80 genes increased as compared with the control, and gradually increased with the increase of dosage; the more obtrusive and insensitive The relative expression of TaKu70 and TaKu80 genes increased as compared with the control. However, the relative expression of TaKu70 and TaKu80 increased first and then decreased with the increase of the dose.
晴空万里,阳光明媚,在这样一个早晨,我漫步在淮安城中,寻访古城墙的踪影。  第一次看见这样的淮安——不是以名城的身份,不是以繁华的姿态,而是以一种难以言说的悲痛赤裸裸地展示出来。这样的淮安,让人难以接受。  青灰色的砖块上,“淮安州”的字样已快被磨平,但却掩盖不住历史的悲痛。树根旁随意堆起的乱砖,很多已经断裂,布满尘土,颓乱中更透出悲凉之意。  走过条条小巷,竟随处可见古城墙建立之初原始的根基,我
我家有一个花盆,白色的底上点缀着深蓝色的小碎花,颇有江南古典风韵。闲来无事之时,我移植了一棵芦荟于花盆中。芦荟日渐长大,翠绿色的叶瓣在阳光的照射下,煞是美丽。  一日,在给芦荟浇水时,我突然发现,一棵嫩绿的芽儿在花盆中偷偷探出了头。原来在花盆边缘长出了一棵三叶草,嫩茎细长细长的,更显得孱弱与孤独。它到底是什么时候萌芽的呢?它太普通,太瘦小,以至于很难引起我的注意。我冒冒失失地跑去询问爸爸:“这草要
仔细地观察一下1、2、3、4、5、6、7这7个数,如果不改变顺序,也不能重复,想一想用几个加号把这些数连起来,可使它们的和等于100? Carefully observe the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 thes
登金陵凤凰台  (唐)李白  凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去台空江自流。吴宫花草埋幽径,晋代衣冠成古丘。三山半落青天外,二水中分白鹭洲。总为浮云能蔽日,长安不见使人愁。
学了《十三岁的际遇》后,我们认识了田晓菲,也认识了她的北大。北大,究竟是一所什么样的学校呢?让我们走进校园去进行一番寻访。  北大校园又称燕园,在明清两代是著名的皇家园林