Vocabulary Teaching in a Communicative Classroom at the Senior High School Level

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  Abstract:The vocabulary students master reflects their level of English and directly affects their listening, speaking, reading, and writing ability. But there have been some problems in both vocabulary teaching for teachers and vocabulary learning for students. This paper summarize specific presenting methods, memory strategies and ways to revise and consolidate in vocabulary teaching, which may help senior high school teachers in vocabulary teaching.
  Key words: vocabulary teaching; communicative competence
  Traditional vocabulary instruction for many teachers involves having students look words up in the dictionary, write definitions, and use words in sentences (Basurto, 2004). Word lists, teacher explanation, discussion, memorization, vocabulary books, and quizzes often are used in an effort to help students learn new words. But these methods make vocabulary learning becomes a high burden for the students. This article demonstrates thatCommunicative Language Teaching (CLT) is the best and most successful method in vocabulary teaching at the senior high school level. The author also proposes some information about Chomsky’s competence and performance and Dell Hymes’ communicative competence, at last, summarizing specific presenting methods, memory strategies and ways to revise and consolidate in vocabulary teaching.
  2. Discussion
  2.1 Communicative Language Teaching
  Different from the fact that Chomsky, only with native speakers in mind and just focused on abstract knowledge of language, American linguist Dell Hymes in the 1970s coined the term “communicative competence” (CC) to draw attention to linguistic use in authentic contexts. By “communicative competence”, he refers to the “internalized knowledge of the situational appropriateness of language”. As Brown (2001) suggests the following principles are embodied in CLT. The first is “learner-centered instruction” which includes techniques that focus on or account for learner’s needs, styles, and goals; techniques that give some control to the students; curricula that include the consultation and input of students and that do not presuppose objectives in advance; techniques that allow for student creativity and innovation; techniques that enhance a student’s sense of competence and self-worth. The second lies in cooperative and collaborative learning. By this principle, students work in pairs and small groups to achieve common goals and objectives together with their teachers. The third involves interactive learning in which students practice orally by forming pairs and groups to receive and produce authentic input and output and write with real persons in mind. The fourth is whole language education based on the following ideas: cooperative learning, participatory learning, student-centered learning, integration of the “four skills”. (Brown, 2001). The fifth is related to content-based instruction, which integrates content learning with language learning. In this case, language acts as a medium by which certain subject matter such as math and geography is taught.   2.2 Three Factors Influencing CLT
  2.2.1 Age
  When age factor is mentioned and discussed, it is inevitable to bring in the critical period hypothesis. In this hypothesis, there exists a neurological critical period. It is impossible to have a complete mastery of language reaching puberty. Therefore, certain teaching strategies could be adopted in order to cater for the age of senior high school students’ needs in CLT classroom.
  2.2.2 Motivation
  “Motivation” is defined as “factors within a human being or animal that arouse and direct goal-oriented behavior” (Stevens, 2000). Gardner and Lambert (2002) make a distinction between integrative and instrumental motivation to second language learning, integrative motivation is internal and permanent while instrumental motivation is external and temporary. In teaching vocabulary in a communicative classroom for the sake of meaningful and cooperative learning, much effort must be devoted to arouse and retain learner’s motivation, especially integrative motivation. Furthermore, the teacher should attach more importance to the initiation, appropriate intensity and sustainment of the students’ motivation in the process of teaching vocabulary in CLT classroom.
  2.2.3 Materials
  According to Stephen Krashen’s input hypothesis, second language acquisition takes place when a learner understands input that contains grammatical forms that are at‘ⅰ+ I’ ( i.e. are a little more advanced than the current state of the learner’ s interlanguage(Ellis, 2000). Therefore, the teaching materials that have been chosen in vocabulary teaching in CLT classroom play a very important role. Thus, for senior high school students in particular it is important that the totality of their educational experience is appropriate for their needs.
  3. Problems and Techniques for Vocabulary Teaching in CLT Classroom at the senior high school level
  3.1 The present problem overview
  For teachers, teacher’s paying more attention to grammar than vocabulary and teachers teaching vocabulary in monotonous and disordered ways. Some teachers also instruct few vocabulary learning strategies. It has been proved that many students spend much time and energy on studying vocabulary but fail to achieve the desired results. The main cause of the conflict is their lack of effective learning strategies. Lastly, teachers teaching vocabulary in Chinese all the time. A large group of English teachers are apt to teach vocabulary in the mother tongue. Therefore, the students will try their best to catch the meaning of the word rather than the usage.
摘要:随着社会的发展与进步,信息技术的发展尤为迅速,为了顺应现今教育理念的发展要求,多媒体技术被越来越广泛的应用到了各级院校的教学活动中。然而,与传统的教学模式相同,多媒体教学在拥有自身优势的同时,同样存在很多不足。将多媒体教学与传统教学模式进行系统化的整合与优化可以有效提高教学效果,因此,为了顺应时代的发展要求,教育工作者应重点研究将多媒体教学与传统教学进行整合优化的有效途径。  关键词:多媒体
摘要:作为启蒙学习阶段,小学学习对学生之后的学习有着尤为重要的作用。小学数学的教学目标不仅是使学生的数学成绩得到提高,更重要的应该是对学生数学学习兴趣的培养。数学来源于生活,并最终运用于生活,因此,小学数学教师在教学的过程中要使数学生活化,将数学和生活相结合,激发学生学习数学的兴趣。  关键词:小学数学;生活化;興趣  数学来源与生活,并最终运用于生活,两者谁都不能离开谁。处于小学阶段的学生,多以
摘要:高考改革是教育体制改革中的重点领域和关键环节,招生政策包括高校的“三位一体”和自主招生等。浙江2011年开始推行“三位一体”招生,综合评价选拔人才。本文以浙江师范大学为例,通过调查和对比分析,了解“三位一体”高考改革后师范生的特点及“三位一体”高考改革对师范生的影响。  关键词:高考改革;三位一体;师范生特点  一、调查背景  高考改革是教育体制改革中的重点领域和关键环节,“三位一体”综合招
摘要:对于幼儿的告状行为,一般教师的处理方式存在几个误区。如事必躬亲,偏袒一方、抱有偏见,各打五十大板。通过本研究,对于幼儿的告状行为,幼儿教师应做到: 要公平公正,不能偏袒一方。要用发展的眼光看问题,不能对平时调皮的幼儿就抱有偏见。在处理幼儿告状行为时,不必事必躬亲,在一日活动中积极发挥幼儿的主动性和积极性。引导、锻炼他们提高自己解决问题的能力等。  关键词:处理方式;纠正方法  一、教师对幼儿
摘要:高中是教学最关键的时期,而语文作为语言学科的一种,对教学的方法还是有待研究,随着教育不断的改革更新,对高中生的培养从最初的知识培养到现如今的综合素质培养,都预示着教学的进步,而针对高中语文教学的方法层出不穷,其中国学文化作为我国教学经典,已经被广泛的应用起来,因此文章提出高中语文教学中国学文化的传承策略。  关键词:高中语文;国学文化;传承策略  国学文化包涵的内容多样化,其中包括了古代思想
摘要:学前融合教育在我国作为新的教育理念,受到关注与推崇。给予对《学前融合教育》阅读思考,本文对学前融合教育的含义、目前我国学前融合教育实施的现状及问题,并针对现状问题提出了相应建议,以期对我国学前融合教育发展提供一些参考。  关键词:融合教育;学前教育;现状思考;建议  《论语·卫灵公》中,子曰:“有教无类”,即在教育的过程中,人人皆可受教育,教育者不能因为贫富、贵贱、智愚、善恶等原因把一些人排
爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣和爱好是最好的老师。”非智力因素对学生的物理学习有十分重要的作用。而物理学习兴趣在各种非智力因素中又处于核心地位。物理学习成绩往往与学生学习物理的兴趣存在着明显的关系。学习兴趣是指一个人对学习的一种积极的认识倾向与情绪状态。从教育心理学的角度来说,兴趣是一个人倾向于认识、研究获得某种知识的心理特征,是可以推动人们求知的一种内在力量。  因此,启发培养学生学习兴趣,是传授知识、培