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年幼时,我们觉得父亲抠门;稍大一些,觉得父亲粗暴;青年时,觉得父亲迂腐;中年时,觉得父亲不够豁达……兄弟姐妹6人。父亲是老幺。父亲一生的悲苦,皆因娶了一个不会持家且胆小怕事的母亲。母亲年轻的时候很爱打扮,20世纪70年代初就烫着大波浪,穿红色的细高跟鞋招摇过街。在一个以朴素著称的年代,父亲觉得丢人,就偷偷藏起那些过于时髦的衣服和鞋子;母亲不挣钱,对钱也没 When young, we think his father stingy; slightly larger, that his father rude; youth, that his father pedantic; middle-aged, that his father was not enough open-minded ... 6 brothers and sisters. My father is old. My father’s misery all the time because of a married mother who would not be afraid of the house and timid. When she was young, her mother loved to dress up. In the early 1970s, she was wearing a big wave and wearing red stiletto heels across the street. In an era of simple and well-known, my father felt shameful, secretly hiding those too fashionable clothes and shoes; mother did not make money, no money
我的绿皮火车有些陈旧  抵达你,需要开足马力  美丽的仙女湖  我配不上你的澄明  你的从容,典雅,明眸善睐  让我放慢脚步,只有等到太阳出来  才能看见万千的水鸟,洁白的羽毛  投下丝绸的光芒  我在会仙台见到了  玉树临风的仙子  你圣洁的样子容不得半点亵渎  远处凤凰山、龙王岛、桃花岛、蛇岛  众多的岛屿绿树相映,流水淙淙  更远处湖水的蓝与天的蓝融为一体  让久居尘世的我卸下负重  桃花流
古时候,有一个女皇,她统治的国家山清水秀,十分美丽。尽管这个国家的人们个个貌美,女皇却极其丑陋。她身材又矮又胖,还长着鹰钩鼻 In ancient times, there was a queen. Th
The bland, standard UK diet: myth or reality? A look at five favourite traditional British dishes.  We eat the most ready-meals2 in Europe. They are unhealthy, and rarely taste as good as the alternat
ustin Bieber’s Twitter Reven贾斯丁·比伯:惹恼我,上微薄通缉你!JB took revenge on a teenage hacker(黑客) by posting his telephone number on twitterand asking his
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摘 要: 问题的恰当与否直接影响课堂教学的成败。教师要精心设计问题,使之有针对性,难易适中,具体明确,并能激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生学得轻松快乐。  关键词: 问题 恰当 有针对性 难易适中 激发兴趣    在(7)班讲授Main task(8B Unit 4)时,我问道:“Please read the poster,and answer the question:What things doe
Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?”“ I gave it to a poor old woman,”he answered. Little Ro