
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:money2468
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2007年,财政部以“保证支农资金使用管理的规范、安全、有效”为主题,以“建制度、反违规、查隐患、促整改”为重点,开展了财政支农资金管理年活动。农业司派出6个检查组,分赴黑龙江、内蒙古等6个省区,采取跟踪调查、问卷调查、明察暗访等多种方式,对各地开展资金管理年活动情况、重点专项资金使用管理情况进行了抽查,并就检查中发现的问题,深入地分析了原因,提出了改进的建议。为督促各地进一步加强和规范财政支农资金管理,及时进行整改,农业司经过认真调查研究,起草了《关于进一步加强财政支农资金管理的意见》,并经部长办公会议审定后下发。该意见从十个方面明确了强化和规范支农资金管理的任务和要求。 In 2007, with the theme of “Guaranteeing the Standard, Safe and Effective Management and Use of Funds for Supporting Agriculture”, the Ministry of Finance launched the “Financial Support for Agriculture” Fund focusing on “building system, anti-illegalities, checking hidden dangers and promoting rectification and reform” Management year activities. The Department of Agriculture dispatched six inspection teams to six provinces and autonomous regions including Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia to conduct spot checks on the annual fund management activities and the management and utilization of key special funds through follow-up surveys, questionnaires and thorough investigation. , And on the problems found in the inspection, in-depth analysis of the reasons for the proposed improvements. In order to urge all localities to further strengthen and standardize the management of financial support for agriculture and prompt rectification, the Agricultural Department drafted the Opinions on Further Strengthening the Management of Financial Funds for Agriculture through careful investigation and research and was issued after being examined and approved by the Office of the President. This opinion clarifies the tasks and requirements for strengthening and regulating the management of funds for supporting agriculture from ten aspects.
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采用BL-WOL楔力加载平面应变断裂试样,研究了GC-4(40 CrMnSiMoVA) 超高强度钢在3.5%NaCl溶液和蒸馏水中的应力腐蚀裂纹扩展特性,测定了不同试验条件下的应力腐蚀开裂门槛值K_(
一、成组分度铣槽夹具 图1所示是小轴类零件组的部分代表零件,主要加工零件外圆上的各种形状的通槽。对于以小轴轴端外圆定位的零件,采用可换弹性夹头(图2)夹持;而以内孔(螺