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1.大会议题讨论:本届大会议题为:迎接21世纪一中国世运的战略、机遇和挑战。将回顾世界语传入中国100年来,特别是改革开放后中国世运的发展,展望21世纪中国世界语运动的前景。2.协会工作报告:将总结汇报中华全国世协四年来的工作和各地的运动情况,展望21世纪的中国世运。3.选举中华全国世协新的领导机构:敬请各协会于7月15日之前将本地区的名誉理事及理事候选名单以书面形式告知全国世协,没有收到全国世协通知的协会 1. Discussion on the agenda of the conference: The theme of the conference is: To meet the strategies, opportunities and challenges of the 1st Century China World Games. It will review the development of World Language in the past 100 years since the introduction of Esperanto, especially after the reform and opening up, and looks forward to the prospect of the 21st century Chinese language movement. 2. Association work report: It will summarize and report the work of the All China World Association for the past four years and the movements in various regions, and will look forward to the World of China’s 21st century. 3. Election of the new leadership structure of the All-China World Association: All associations are invited to inform the National Association of World Honourable Members of the honorary directors and candidates in the region before July 15th, and have not received any notice from the National Association of World Associations.
两年来的艰苦学习在毕业典礼时结出了果实。5月底,我就要从康奈尔大学的约翰逊商学院毕业。激动与喜悦的泪水,在毕业典礼前好几天就开始来搅扰我紧张而有序的生活。虽然在 T
18岁的希瑟·皮布尔斯开着车回家,一路跟着收音机哼唱着。 “太棒了!”听到收音机里播出“后街男孩”的音乐时希瑟高兴起来。在她把音量调大时,眼睛一时没看着路。就在这时,
去年国际世界语大会上新当选的国际世协主席 Kep Enderby 先生将携夫人参加今年8月在广西凭祥举行的第四届全国世界语大会。他在给全国世协的来信中说,他一直对中国的世界语
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An Qisheng, a learned hermit in the Qin Dynasty, fled to the island more than 2100 years ago. He didn’t know his name would have nowhere to hide in history. N