China-Singapore Cooperation Witnesses Great Achievements Under Friendly China-ASEAN Relations

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  — An Interview with H.E. Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, Ambassador of Singapore to China
  Written by Guan Qiuyun / Translated by Chen Zhiying
  2021 marks the 30th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations. With major changes and a global pandemic unseen in a century, this year's milestone significance becomes even more special. Under this background, China and Singapore adhere to mutual trust in politics, mutual benefit in economy, communication and exchange in culture, and close cooperation under the pandemic... Both sides forge ahead and cultivate friendship, which not only provides impetus for China’s domestic and international dual circulation, but also boosts Singapore’s economic recovery, transformation and upgrading, and even adds luster to the friendly China-ASEAN relations.
  Recently, reporters of China-ASEAN Panorama Magazine went to Beijing to interview H.E. Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, Ambassador of Singapore to China, and listened to His Excellency talk about the cooperation and development between China and ASEAN and between China and Singapore.
  Singapore takes promoting China-ASEAN relations as its duty
  Along the way, China and ASEAN have made many remarkable achievements and accumulated plenty of valuable experience. As one of the founding members of the ASEAN in 1967 and also an ASEAN country at the forefront of regional development in various fields, Singapore has long regarded promoting China-ASEAN relations as its own responsibility, whether for regional stability or its own development.
  According to Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, when Singapore took over the rotating presidency of ASEAN in 2018, it launched the plan of building ASEAN Smart Cities Network. The main purpose of this plan is to unify major cities in China-ASEAN region and show them the way forward in terms of creating ecosystems that will allow business to flourish and people to congregate. Many years ago, Singapore envisaged to integrate these cities into a same network for centralized management and implemented electronic systems, so that urban services and governance would become more intelligent. Since 2018, Singapore has been working hard to make this conception come true. Mr. Lui Tuck Yew also said that Singapore has also played an active role in promoting the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. In 2018, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi went to Singapore to attend the China-ASEAN (10+1) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. At the meeting, China and ASEAN countries reached an agreement on the single draft negotiating text of the “Code of Conduct in the South China Sea”.   In terms of economy, trade and investment, Singapore officially ratified the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) on April 9, 2021, becoming the first ASEAN country to do so. This has not only injected vitality into bilateral trade exchanges between China and Singapore, but also sent out a strong message of promoting world free trade, multilateralism and economic linkage within the region.
  “RCEP brings together 10 ASEAN countries and five important dialogue partners, showing its determination to strengthen multilateral trade and economic chain in the region. This agreement will promote economic and trade exchanges between Singapore and China and enable more Singaporean companies to provide services in China. In terms of market access, the reduction of tariffs has reached more than 90%. This is conducive to accelerating the economic recovery and economic growth between China and Singapore and between China and ASEAN after the pandemic.” During the conversation, Mr. Lui Tuck Yew showed Singapore’s confidence in the prospect of the RCEP.
  The 18th CAEXPO to be held from September 9 to 13 this year will also help enterprises expand the market space from providing services for China and ASEAN countries to RCEP member states and counties along the Belt and Road. As one of the important co-organizers of the CAEXPO, Singapore has always given strong support to the Expo. “The CAEXPO is an important platform for communication between ASEAN and China. Enterprises in the region can get benign interaction and exchange. On the 30th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations, I would like to extend my best wishes to the 18th CAEXPO,” said Mr. Lui Tuck Yew.
  New Land-Sea Corridor helps stabilize regional industrial chain and supply chain
  Singapore is the ASEAN country with the largest number of Government-to-Government level project with China. From Suzhou Industrial Park in the 1990s to Tianjin Eco-city in 2008 to China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Project on Strategic Connectivity in 2015, there are three G-to-G projects between the two countries. The two sides have promoted cooperation from industry and ecology to service industry, logistics and connectivity, reflecting the characteristics of China-Singapore economic and trade cooperation, which is keeping pace with the times and continuing to explore and innovate.
  When it comes to the third G-to-G level project between China and Singapore, Mr. Lui Tuck Yew said: “The third project is in the western region and focuses on the area of connectivity of financial dervices, transport, logistics, aviation and so on. Then when we looked at what key features we would able to bring to the table, we decided that because the Belt and Road is an aspect of China’s development, we felt that we could bring together the Overland Silk Road linking western region to Europe and the Maritime Silk Road linking China to Southeast Asian region through this International Land-Sea Trade Corridor. This connects Chongqing to Qinzhou Port in Guangxi.”   So essentially, what does this trade corridor do? Taking shipping efficiency as an example, Mr. Lui Tuck Yew introduced to our reporters: “In the past, most of the goods from Chongqing in the western region would be transversed to Yangtze and reach the eastern seaboard. It took almost three weeks. With this corridor, it takes about a week, so it actually opens up a new egress route from China to Southeast Asia And if you look at the reduction in time, it obviously is very important for items like agricultural goods, vegetables, fruits and so on. The other thing actually is if you look at some of the ports in China now, because you are doing so well and also because of inspection backlogs and so on, there’s actually quite a bit of congestion, whereass in Qinzhou Port, you do not have those problems. Going foward, it can be an important feature for entry and exit of goods into and out of the western region.”
  Under the pandemic, the New Land-Sea Corridor has played a very positive role in stabilizing regional industrial and supply chain. Mr. Lui Tuck Yew highly affirmed the corridor and said that it successfully alleviated the impact of the pandemic and became a new effective trade corridor linking Southeast Asia and China’s western region. It strengthened the resilience of bilateral trade routes and supply chain, and promoted the smooth flow of food, medical supplies and other necessities, thus providing strong support for fighting the pandemic.
  Looking to the future, people are more concerned about the futue development of the New Land-Sea Corridor. According to Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, Singapore will focus on how to optimize the existing trade mechanism and create a review system to put electronic bill of lading into use, which will help to reduce the number of inspections, the customs requirements, and that will facilitate the movements of goods even more. Mr. Lui Tuck Yew also said that currently, China and Singapore boast great cooperation momentum. He believed that with the improvement and upgrading of the New Land-Sea Coridor, cooperation between China and Singapore will continue to expand.
  Singapore’s experience in sustainable development cooperation
  2021 not only marks the 30th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations, but also the Year of China-ASEAN Sustainable Development Cooperation. As a model of urban sustainable development in the China-ASEAN region, the experience of the green Singapore is of great reference value to China.   Mr. Lui Tuck Yew talked to our reporters that sustainable development in Singapore began as early as 1967. In 2020, Singapore put forward the Singapore Green Plan 2030, which is expected to quadruple the output of renewable energy by 2025. To this end, Singapore piloted a floating solar panel farm on the surface of the reservoir. It is the world’s largest inland floating solar panel farm, but it was born in Singapore, one of the smallest countries in the world. In terms of waste treatment, Singapore used the ash generated by waste incineration as road building materials, and the remaining unusable parts will enter the landfill. In terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Singapore has committed to making the public transport system more convenient, to ensure the public transport accounts for 75% of the national travel modes. At the same time, it implements the “zero growth” policy for motor vehicles and increases the cost for private vehicle owners.”
  It is worth mentioning that Singapore is not limited to its own development, but actively shares experience and carries out cooperation with partners in the region.
  In June 2021, Mr. Lui Tuck Yew visited China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city. This project is a starting point of China-Singapore cooperation on sustainable development and ecological protection. In June, reeds swayed in the wind on the bank of Tianjin Jinghu Lake, waterfowl crossed the clear lake from time to time, and the streets were lined with green trees. The construction of ecological civilization brought tangible benefits to local residents. Over the past decade, China and Singapore have cooperated to explore new ways of city sustainable development under resource constraints, with a total of 38 eco-cities and parks being built and opened to the public. When mentioning the China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city in the interview, Mr. Lui Tuck Yew also praised this cooperation achievement.
  Since this year, Mr. Lui Tuck Yew has paid attention to the currently trending energy structural adjustment in China. He said that China has ambitious targets in energy conservation and emission reduction. It now has its own carbon emission trading market, and carbon emissions come with a price tag. China and Singapore can cooperate and exchange experience in sustainability and ecological solution.
  Looking back, Singapore is a vital link that strengthens China-ASEAN relations and promotes both sides to create a better life for people in the region with their strength. Focusing on the current situation, Singapore is a solid bridge connecting China and ASEAN, and plays an important role in mobilizing cooperation resources and gathering cooperation momentum for both sides. Looking forward to the future, people expect and believe that Singapore will make more contributions to China and ASEAN with its great influence.
有这样一群人,他们不远万里从异国他乡来到中国南宁,带着家乡的特产与过硬的本领让自己的事业腾飞在这片开放的沃土上,不断提升着生活的获得感和幸福感——他们,便是参加了中国—东盟博览会(以下简称东博会)后,选择在南宁创业发展的东南亚商人,而属于他们安居乐业的故事正在邕城里描绘着。  东南亚创业者们与东博会的故事  在广西南宁东盟商务区的一家美容院里,马来西亚华裔美容师宋德财和他的伙伴们每天都要迎接不少爱
走在新加坡的城市街道上,楼宇外覆盖的绿色植被,常常让人在感叹设计师的奇思妙想之余,也一窥到“花园城市”背后,人与自然和谐相处的发展之道。说新加坡是东南亚,乃至全球坚持可持续发展的典范都不为过。  2020年12月12日,新加坡一度以灯光为主要地标建筑披上了绿装,以纪念承诺限制全球变暖的《巴黎协定》签署5周年。可以说,“绿色”是这座城市重要的代表色,也是这个国家持之以恒的发展理念。而这片“绿色”背后
近年来,新加坡职业教育凭借鲜明的发展特色、先进的教育管理体制,为其实现经济腾飞提供了重要的人才支撑,赢得了世界各国的赞誉。当前,中国职业教育正进入内涵建设的关键时期,规划主要集中于解决实体经济招工难、毕业生就业难等问题。近期,中国国家主席习近平对中国职业教育工作作出重要指示,在全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程中,职业教育前途广阔、大有可为。  它山之石可以攻玉。这个时候,主动学习新加坡等国家先进的
2020年改变了世界。突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情影响了世界,且现在仍在全球肆虐。  印度成为当前焦点,单日新增40多万的确诊病例和单日新增3500多例的死亡病例,已经让印度的医院和殡仪馆难堪重负。除了印度,不少国家单日新增病例仍然过万。  根据世界银行2021年初的预测,基于新冠疫苗的大面积应用,2021年世界经济增速将达到4%,而亚太经合组织在3月做出的预测数据,则乐观估计2021年全球经济将增长5
钦州港口码头前,一排排集装箱起重机犹如巨人般耸立,远航归来的货船正忙着卸货;工业园区里,工人们在标准厂房里加紧生产;办公楼里,精致的沙盘和生动的纪录片,述说着钦州保税港区的发展历程和辉煌成就······这个极具现代气息的保税港区,在2021年4月28日收到了通过联合验收组验收的好消息。  钦州综合保税区是西部陆海新通道、北部湾国际枢纽海港建设的重点节点,是服务双循环新发展格局的重要平台。南宁海关二
泰国榴莲在中国已是家喻户晓的水果,它口感软糯,香气馥郁,俘获了大批中国消费者的味蕾。每年应季,泰国榴莲都是中国水果市场上当之无愧的明星。那么疫情下,泰国榴莲在中国市场的表现如何,两国企业如何抓住其中的商机?近期十分活跃的中泰榴莲贸易,其实已经给出了答案。  中国成泰国榴莲全球最大买家  在被新冠肺炎疫情笼罩的2020年,泰国对华出口了57.5万吨新鲜榴莲,总额约147亿元人民币,同比增长78%,中
随着世界经济逐渐复苏,新加坡后疫情时代的经济走向成为人们关注的焦点。总体而言,其国内经济出现了令人鼓舞的迹象。据新加坡贸易和工业部2021年4月14日预先公布的数据显示,新加坡2021年第一季度国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长0.2%,从2020年后3个季度的萎缩中实现好转。虽然为时尚早,但人们对此持乐观态度,相信新加坡经济能在疫情下迎来发展。  数字化助推经济复苏  尽管目前经济复苏范围小、仅限于
站在中国—东盟金融城最高的写字楼里向外远眺,前海人寿、太平东盟保险服务中心、北部湾银行等金融机构的大厦矗立周围,朝阳打在玻璃墙面上,更映衬出它们的高端气派。  如果不说,也许许多人猜不到这是在广西南宁。在人们传统的印象中,大型金融机构往往更青睐“超级大都市”。但得益于中国—东盟金融合作的深入,以及东盟在人民币国际化中地位的提升,如今,越来越多金融机构选择垂青身处中国—东盟合作前沿的广西。  广西也
全球新冠肺炎疫情依然没有结束,不少国家的经济发展依然停滞不前甚至倒退,但在全球供应链中断带来的诸多挑战下,还是有选手在与疫情的抗衡中抓住了发展的机会。越南就是没有停驻经济发展脚步的国家之一,2021年以来,其经济表现可以说是可圈可点。虽然疫情所带来的影响不可避免,但越南还是通过一系列措施来激活经济,并取得了进出口值增幅创新高等佳绩。开启了经济逆势增长模式的越南,正吸引着大批境外投资者的关注。  一