Maneuvering Vehicle Tracking Based on Multi-sensor Fusion

来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uouopolo
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Maneuvering targets tracking is a fundamental task in intelligent vehicle research. Thispaper focuses on the problem of fusion between radar and image sensors in targets tracking. Inorder to improve positioning accuracy and narrow down the image working area, a novel methodthat integrates radar filter with image intensity is proposed to establish an adaptive vision window.A weighted Hausdor? distance is introduced to define the functional relationship between image andmodel projection, and a modified simulated annealing algorithm is used to find optimum orientationparameter. Furthermore, the global state is estimated, which refers to the distributed data fusionalgorithm. Experiment results show that our method is accurate. Maneuvering targets tracking is a fundamental task in intelligent vehicle research. This paper focuses on the problem of fusion between radar and image sensors in targets tracking. In order to improve positioning accuracy and narrow down the image working area, a novel method of integration of radar filter with image intensity is proposed to establish an adaptive vision window. A weighted Hausdor? distance is introduced to define the functional relationship between image and model projection, and a modified simulated annealing algorithm is used to find an optimum orientation parameter. Furthermore, the global state is estimated, which refers to the distributed data fusionalgorithm. Experiment results show that our method is accurate.
2011年1月26日,国家发改委宣布,家乐福、沃尔玛等外资零售巨头的部分连锁店存在虚构原价、低价标示高价结算、不履行价格承诺等误导性价格欺诈行为;随后,相关城市发改 Janua
本文论述了现代电机技术发展与创新的机遇, 新一代逆变器供电电机是建立在电机本体结构和逆变器的最佳融合以及与电力驱动应用特性的配合上.