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一座南京城,半部民国史。南京在1927年后是国民政府的首都;在全面抗战爆发后,是惨烈的南京保卫战和震惊中外的日军南京大屠杀的发生地;在八年沦陷期间,是日本“中国派遣军”总司令部和伪“中央政府”所在地,也是中国军民和国、共两党进行各种形式的反抗日伪统冶并产生重大影响的地方。南京地区的抗战史可以说是中国抗战史的缩影。南京师范大学经盛鸿教授广罗原始档案、报刊、书籍和社会调查史料,写成《南京沦陷八年史》这部过百万字的 A Nanjing City, half the history of the Republic of China. After 1927, Nanjing became the capital of the National Government. After the outbreak of the all-out war of resistance against Japan, Nanjing was the fierce battle of Nanjing and the site of the Nanjing Massacre that shocked the Chinese and foreign countries. During the eight years of Japanese occupation, Nanjing was the “army dispatched by China” The headquarters of the General Command and the seat of the “Central Government” are also the places where both the Chinese military, the government, and the Chinese government have conducted various forms of rebellion against the Japanese and the pupils and have had a significant impact on them. The history of the war of resistance in Nanjing can be described as a microcosm of the history of China’s war of resistance. Nanjing Normal University by Professor Sheng Sheng Guangluo original files, newspapers, books and social survey data, written “Nanjing fell eight years of history,” this one million words
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让步状语从句主要由although和though来引导,其他的引导词还有even if/though,as,w hile,when,whatever,no m atter what...以及关联词组whether...or,w ith...without等等。