Measurement of Plasma Parameters of Calcium and Silicon in a Rock Sample Using Laser Induced Breakdo

来源 :光谱学与光谱分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w119634336
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Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic(LIBS)technique was used to detect calcium and silicon in an unknown sample.In this method plasma was generated by Nd∶YAG laser of wavelength 1 064 nm with energy 400 mJ and pulse duration between 5~10ns.The method was applied for the qualitative as well as quantitative analysis.In the qualitative analysis,the electron number density(Ne)of plasma containing calcium and silicon is determined showing that Neof neutral particles is equivalent to 1016(cm-3)whereas for ionized particles it is 1017(cm-3).Plasma temperature is measured using Boltzmann plot method which must be greater than 10 000 k.Intensity ratio method is used for the quantitative analysis shows various elements in abundance with calcium and silicon in majority. Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic (LIBS) technique was used to detect calcium and silicon in an unknown sample. This method plasma was generated by Nd:YAG laser of wavelength 1 064 nm with energy 400 mJ and pulse duration between 5 ~ 10 ns. Method was applied for the qualitative as well as quantitative analysis. the qualitative number of the electron number density (Ne) of plasma containing calcium and silicon is determined that that Neof neutral particles is equivalent to 1016 (cm-3) is 1017 (cm-3). Plasma temperature is measured using Boltzmann plot method which must be greater than 10 000 k. Intensity ratio method is used for the quantitative analysis showing various elements in abundance with calcium and silicon in majority.
诚然,“八项规定”之后,中央先后密集出台了22个反腐倡廉的文件,这些政策的贯彻实施,的确使得与三公消费有密切联系的高档餐饮、旅游业收到了冲击,但是,这种生来畸形业态注定短命,在中央反腐的巨大决心下,只有与百姓生活切实相关消费领域才能够获得长足发展。  2012年12月4日  中共中央政治局会议审议通过关于改进工作作风密切联系群众的“八项规定”,紧接着细化落实八项规定精神的政策措施接连出台;  20