“北京+10”,我们的10年 从一本小杂志到一项大事业

来源 :农家女 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silencegrrr
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曾经和一位从海外归来的朋友聊天,当她了解到我们“农家女”这10年中所做的一件件实事,感慨万分,她说:中国不缺评论家,缺的是实干家。不是吗?当人们看到马路上有一堆牛粪,人人都会说这太不雅观了,太不好看了,然后大家绕道走开,而你们“农家女”却拿起了铁锹把这堆牛粪铲了起来。这段评价让我欣慰。回头看看我们10多年所走过的路,我确实觉得我们“农家女”是一群用行动说话的人,用行动改变着自己,也用行动改变着别人。 Once chatted with a friend who has returned from overseas, she was very saddened when she realized that we had done something in the past 10 years. She said: There is no shortage of commentators in China and the job is lacking. Family. Is not it? When people see a pile of cow dung on the road, everyone will say that this is too unsightly, too bad-looking, and then everyone detours away, and you “farm girl ” but picked up shovels to this A pile of cow dung shovel up. This review makes me happy. Looking back at the road we have traveled for more than 10 years, I do think that we, Farmers, are a group of people who speak in action, change themselves with action, and change others with action.
Interstitial pneumonitis(IP) is an uncommon pulmonary complication associated with interferon(IFN) therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus(HCV) infection.Pneumoni
我是一个来自偏远农村的孩子,父亲在我4岁时不幸病重身亡。母亲常年在外,为了多挣点钱供我和哥哥读书,已经有5年没回家了。我和哥哥一直由爷爷抚养,爷爷将近70岁了,常年患病在身,满头的白发和额上一层层的皱纹,以及弯曲的背在诉说着爷爷历经的沧桑。  两年前,哥哥以优异的成绩考上了县里的高中,我也考上了县里的中学。拿到录取通知书的那天,我哭了,哭得歇斯底里。不为别的,当时自己清楚地知道,我不可能去县城读书
据俄新社2009年3月19日报道,一位海军高级军官周四表示,俄罗斯海军将在2009年进行至少3次新型“布拉瓦”海基弹道导弹的发射试验。 According to the Russian news agency r
AIM:To investigate the effect of Simotang(Decoction of Four Powered Drugs) on gastrointestinal motility,motilin and cholecystokinin expression in chronically st
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1 Ten Episodes in China’s Diplomacy《外交十记》Author:Qian Qichen Publisher:HarperCollins Qian Qichen played a direct role in some of the most dramatic moments