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随着我国经济的发展和社会的进步,混凝土道路已基本实现全国范围的铺设,然由于各种原因,路面在长时间的使用后会出现板面起皮、裂缝、麻面、剥落及漏骨等损坏现象。针对这种混凝土路面的损坏现象,如果将路面清除重新修建,不但会影响道路运输的正常使用,而且会浪费资源,造成人力、物力的滥用。所以进行混凝土路面快速修补的研究已经成为大家必不可少的研究课题,在技术更新和材料发展的影响下,混凝土路面快速修补已经有了一定的发展。根据混凝土路面出现的不同问题,需要进行不同的修补方法,下面将对造成混凝土路面问题的原因,以及对应的修补方法进行分析。 With the economic development of our country and the progress of society, concrete roads have been basically laid across the country. However, for a variety of reasons, the surface of the pavement will have peeling, cracks, pitting, spalling and leakage after prolonged use Other damage. Aiming at the damage of concrete pavement, if the pavement is removed and rebuilt, it will not only affect the normal use of road transportation, but also waste resources and cause human and material abuse. Therefore, the research on rapid repairing of concrete pavement has become an indispensable research topic. Under the influence of technical updating and material development, rapid repairing of concrete pavement has been developed. According to the different problems that appear on the concrete pavement, different repair methods are needed. The reasons of the concrete pavement problems and the corresponding repair methods will be analyzed as follows.
本文分析了农村公路建设中存在的问题,对农村公路提档升级的必要性、采取的主要措施。供参考。 This paper analyzes the existing problems in the construction of rural
文章分析了南阳盆地 1 999~ 2 0 0 1年棉花品种的现状 ,认为无依据乱引、乱调 ,品种多、乱、杂、差已成为本地进一步提高棉花品质、单产和降低投入成本的限制因子 ,提出了科研
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介绍了快速成形技术原理与特点,国内外研究应用情况和该工艺的综述及比较,以及进一步研究、开发的方向。 The principles and characteristics of rapid prototyping technolo