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中国是伟大的诗国,诗歌源远流长,诗人辈出,优美作品极其丰富。在诗歌的海洋中,有一部分是描述烟花鞭炮的,古往今来,它们开放在诗国的天空,熠熠生辉,光彩照人。早在隋朝,隋炀帝杨广对一年一度的元宵佳节曾有所吟诵,其中有一首《正月十五日放通衢建灯夜升南楼》,诗中就有“灯树千光照,花焰七枝开”的句子,诗日:法轮天上转,梵声天上来;灯树千光照,花焰七枝开。月影疑流水,春风含夜梅;燔动黄金地,钟发琉璃台。 China is a great poetic country, with long history of poetry, poets in great numbers, and beautiful works extremely rich. In the ocean of poetry, part of the description of fireworks and firecrackers, throughout the ages, they are open in the sky of the poetic country, shining, brilliant. As early as the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty Emperor once chanted the annual Lantern Festival, of which there was a “first lunar January on the Quchuang Lantern Night Building,” Light, flower flame seven open "sentence, Poetry Day: Falun heaven, Sanskrit sky; light tree thousands of light, flower flame seven open. Moment of doubt on the water, spring plum night; burnt move gold, Zhongfa Liuli Taiwan.
A gray sweater hung limply on Tommy’s empty desk, a reminder of the dejected boy who had just followed his classmates from our third-grade room. Soon Tommy’s parents, who had recently separated, would
如果你在园子里漫步,会发现丁香花或玫瑰花的叶子上,有一些精致的小洞,有圆形的,也有 If you walk in the garden, you will find some delicate holes in the lilac or ros
1.课本原文:If you use our inflatable bike,you can simply let the air out and put your bike in a bag.(P.57)透视:1)let out可以表示“放……出去,(无意中)泄密,放大(