Estrogen receptor α variant ERα46 mediates growth inhibition and apoptosis of human HT-29 colon aden

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangya110
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Background Estrogen is involved in suppression of colon cancer development and exerts its function via estrogen receptors α and β (ERα, ERβ). The recently identified ERα46 resulted from exon 1-deletion from the 66-kDa full length form of ERα66 is devoid of the transactivation domain AF-1, whose function remains largely unknown.Methods In this study, we compared the expression of ERα46 mRNA in 32 normal colorectal tissues and their matched colorectal cancer tissues by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Human colon adenocarcinoma cell HT-29, that has low endogenous expression of ERα46, was transfected with ERα46-expression vector; methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay, flow cytometry, DNA fragmentation and TUNEL staining were used to evaluate the proliferation and apoptosis status of the cells in the presence of 17β-oestradiol.Results Higher ERα46 mRNA levels were observed in normal colorectal tissues than in the corresponding cancer tissues. ERα46-transfected cells showed a significantly decreased growth rate than control cells and an accumulation of cells in the G0/1 phase and a reduced proportion of cells in G2/M phase after exposed to 10-8 mol/L 17β-oestradiol. There were also more positive TUNEL stained cells in ERα46-transfected cells than the control cells in the presence of 1713-oestradiol (P<0.05).Conclusions These data suggest that ERα46 may be involved in the development and/or progression of colorectal cancer via mediating growth inhibition and apoptosis of cancer cells in the presence of 17β-oestradiol.
目的 从组织学角度探讨副神经移位膈神经重建膈肌功能的可行性.方法 成年雄性SD大鼠180只,随机分为A、B、C 3组:A组将双侧副神经在锁骨下水平发出内、外侧支之前切断,移位缝接膈神经干起始部;B组于双侧膈神经干起始部切断后原位缝接;C组为正常对照组.分别于术后1,2,3,4,5,6个月完整取出3组大鼠膈肌,用于电子天平称重.同时于右侧腋前线部位顺肌纤维方向切取2 mm宽肌条,行HE染色,分析膈肌
1 铁路局直管站段后对更新改造计划管理带来的新问题和新情况铁路分局撤销后,铁路运输资源、经营决策等都统一到了路局,原分局计划管理的职能一部分上移路局,一部分下放站段,