随着国内市场的不断开放,尤其 是中国“复关”在望,即使是主 要在国内市场从事生产经营活动的企业,面对的市场环境也愈来愈具有“国际性”,至少是一种“准国际性”的竞争环境。 根据我们对其它国家的一些企业在其本国尚处于相对落后阶段时成功地与进口商和境外投资者进行竞争的经验分析,在一国扩大对外开放、放松贸易政策的阶段,国内企业除了尽快在降低成本、提高质量、提高技术水平等一般性因素上提高竞争力外,还应采取有效的防御战略。
With the continuous opening up of the domestic market, especially China’s “revalence” is on the lookout, even if the enterprises are mainly engaged in production and business activities in the domestic market, the market environment facing them is becoming more and more “international”, at least a kind of “ Quasi-international" competitive environment. According to our analysis of the experience of some companies in other countries that have successfully competed with importers and foreign investors when they are still in a relatively backward stage in their own country, in addition to the rapid expansion of opening up and relaxing trade policies in a country, domestic In addition to improving competitiveness in general factors such as reducing costs, improving quality, and improving technological levels, effective defense strategies should also be adopted.