
来源 :湖南教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbben
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去年十一月,我参加了教育部、湖南省委召开的教育工作桃江现场经验交流会,学习了中央有关批示,感触很深。中央批示明确指出:“要把普及小学教育当成一件大事来抓”。学习中央批示,对照桃江经验,我们进一步明确了发展农村教育事业的重点,找到了教育工作中的差距,深切感到:普及小学五年教育是当前发展农村教育事业的一件大事。解放以来,在党中央的正确领导下,我县小学教育有了很大发展。但是,普及小学五年教育的任务还没有真正完成。去年年底,县教育局作了个统计,全县尚有一千八百名适龄儿童未入学,而且在校学生流动大。这两部分人占全县适龄儿童总数的百分之十一。即使是读完了五年的学生,也有很大一部分没有达到小学毕业水平。面临这种情况,我们感到自己的责任很重。 In November of last year, I attended the Taojiang field experience exchange meeting for educational work held by the Ministry of Education and the Hunan Provincial Party Committee. I learned from the Central Government about the written instructions. I feel very deep. The Central Authorities clearly stated: “We must treat universal primary education as a major event.” After learning from the Central Government’s instructions and comparing with Taojiang’s experience, we further clarified the key points for the development of rural education and found the gap in education. We deeply felt that the five-year education for universal primary education is a major event in the current development of rural education. Since the liberation, under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee, primary school education in our county has made great progress. However, the task of universalizing the five-year education in primary schools has not yet been completed. At the end of last year, the County Bureau of Education made a statistic that there were 1,800 school-age children still not enrolled in the county and the number of students in the school was large. These two parts account for 11% of the total number of school-age children in the county. Even if students have completed five years, a large part of them have not reached the level of primary school graduation. Faced with this situation, we feel that our responsibility is very heavy.
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