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通过对岱山岩一珩坑北西向断裂两侧第四纪地层的分布、构造地貌的发育等资料 的分析,着重研究了该断裂带第四纪的活动特征,并探讨了活动断裂与地震活动的关 系。研究结果表明:该断裂带是一条第四纪以来垂直正断兼具左旋水平走滑的活动断 裂,在时间上断裂活动具有多期性;在空间上断裂活动具有迁移性;并在断裂的延伸方 向存在差异活动而具有分段性。该断裂带第四纪以来宏观活动性和现今垂直形变活动性 明显,1445年在该断裂最具活动的地段发生6(1/4)级地震,表明该断裂现今仍在继续活动,今后仍有发生中强破坏性地震的可能。 Based on the analysis of Quaternary stratigraphic distribution and tectonic and geomorphic development on both sides of the northwesterly fault of the Daheng pluton in Daishan, the active characteristics of Quaternary in the fault zone are studied emphatically and the relationship between active faults and seismic activity relationship. The results show that the fault zone is an active fault with vertical normal fault and left-lateral horizontal strike-slip since Quaternary, and the fault activity is multi-period in time. In the fault, the fault has migrativity in space. There are differences in the direction of activities with a segmented. Since the Quaternary of the fault zone, the macroscopic activity and the present vertical deformation activity have been obvious. An earthquake of 6 (1/4) magnitude occurred in the most active section of the fault in 1445, indicating that the fault is still continuing its activities in the future. The possibility of a mid-strong devastating earthquake.
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