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药物在呼吸道引起的病理变化上呼吸道许多会引起肺Ⅰ型或Ⅲ型过敏反应的药物,大多亦会在鼻部发生类似反应,表现为流涕和鼻粘膜浮肿。脑下垂体吸入和萝芙木硷均会刺激鼻粘膜。对阿司匹林过敏发生哮喘的同时亦可发生鼻息肉。滥用大麻除可引起支气管炎外,还会引起鼻咽炎、副窦炎和悬雍垂水肿。药物引起的口腔变化主要有粘膜疹、溃疡和出血。由药物导致的嗅觉障碍亦不少,如青霉胺占25~30%;左旋多巴4.5~22%;麻黄苯丙酮(oxyfedrin)0.05%。吸入N-痰易净,可因过敏性咽喉痉挛而发生窒息,口服则不会发生。支气管系统药物对呼吸道最常见的病理反应是支气管痉挛,主要为Ⅰ或Ⅲ型过敏反应。作为细胞毒作用的Ⅱ型反应则很少见。β受体阻断剂的生理药理作用及药刺激毒性作用都 Drugs in the respiratory tract caused by pathological changes in the upper respiratory tract many can cause lung type I or type III allergic reactions of drugs, most of them will also occur in the nose similar reaction, manifested as runny nose and nasal edema. Pituitary gland inhalation and ropivacaine will stimulate the nasal mucosa. Nasal polyps can occur at the same time as allergic to aspirin. In addition to causing abuse of cannabis can cause bronchitis, but also cause nasopharyngitis, vice sinusitis and uvula edema. Drug-induced changes in the oral mucosal rash, ulcers and bleeding. Olfactory disorders caused by drugs are also many, such as penicillamine accounted for 25 to 30%; levodopa 4.5 to 22%; ephedrine acetone (oxyfedrin) 0.05%. N-phlegm easily inhaled, can be due to allergic throat spasm and asphyxia, oral does not occur. Bronchial system drugs on the respiratory tract most common pathological bronchospasm, mainly type I or type III allergic reactions. Type II reactions that are cytotoxic are seldom seen. β-blockers physiological and pharmacological effects of drugs and stimulate the toxic effects are
在傣族,每年农历的三四月份是姑娘选郎、小伙子求婚的季节。这个时候,姑娘会把自己亲自做好的黄焖鸡摆到寨子的街头,之后,她们就坐下来静静地等候爱情的降临了。奇怪的是,这时的姑娘都在自己长长的裙子下面藏着一只袖珍小木凳,这是为什么呢?   若有小伙子看上了某一个卖黄焖鸡的姑娘,他就会来姑娘的面前,竭尽全力赞美姑娘的黄焖鸡,并询问黄焖鸡是否已经有人预定了;若姑娘看不上小伙子,便会借口说已经有人预定了,小伙
I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains.So people call it Mountain City.In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center,to see the
Spring is warm and colorful. Sometimes it is rainy. The trees turn green and the flowers start to grow. Birds sing every day. They are very happy. Summer is ver