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血药浓度在一定程度上决定了药物效应的发挥。目前普遍认为中药体内化合物血药浓度较低,但对其低的程度及是否可以在此浓度水平下发挥药效,尚无充分的研究依据及文献报道。本文通过检索Scifinder、Pubmed和CNKI中英文数据库,对69篇文献进行了整理汇总,统计了73种西药在人体内的最小有效血药浓度及40种中药(单味或复方)给药后211种化学成分的最大血药浓度,分析比较了临床常用西药的最小有效血药浓度及中药体内成分最大血药浓度。结果发现,中药绝大多数体内化合物的最大血药浓度远小于西药最小有效血药浓度,即分别有17种西药(占所统计西药数量的23%)最小有效血药浓度和143种中药体内化合物(占所统计中药化学成分数量的68%)最大血药浓度小于100 ng·mL~(-1);31种西药(占所统计西药数量的42%)最小有效血药浓度和20种中药体内化合物(占所统计中药化学成分的9%)最大血药浓度大于1 000 ng·mL~(-1)。本文根据文献资料对中西药血药浓度进行较为系统的综述与比较,为深入探讨中药药效物质基础及其作用机制的研究提供新的思路及参考。 Blood concentration to a certain extent determines the drug effect. At present, it is generally believed that the blood concentration of traditional Chinese medicine compounds in vivo is low, but its low level and its efficacy at this concentration level have not been fully studied and reported in the literature. In this paper, 69 papers were collated and summarized by searching Scifinder, Pubmed and CNKI Chinese and English databases. The minimum effective plasma concentrations of 73 kinds of western medicine and 211 kinds of Chinese herbs (single or compound) Chemical composition of the maximum blood concentration, analysis and comparison of the most commonly used clinical Western medicine minimum effective blood concentration and Chinese medicine in vivo maximum plasma concentration. The results showed that the maximum plasma concentration of most of the compounds in Chinese medicine is far less than the minimum effective blood concentration of western medicine, namely, the minimum effective blood concentration of 17 kinds of western medicine (accounting for 23% of the total number of western medicine) and 143 kinds of Chinese traditional medicine compounds (Accounting for 68% of the total number of chemical constituents in traditional Chinese medicine), the maximum blood concentration was less than 100 ng · mL -1; the minimum effective blood concentration of 31 western medicines (accounting for 42% of the total number of western medicines) The maximum plasma concentration of the compound (accounting for 9% of the total chemical composition in Chinese medicine) was greater than 1 000 ng · mL -1. This article based on the literature data on the concentration of Chinese and Western medicine to conduct a more systematic review and comparison, in order to further explore the material basis of traditional Chinese medicine and its mechanism of action to provide new ideas and reference.
概述了散装物料船运的发展近况 ,从需求和供应二方面分析散装物料船运市场的现状和前景。在需求方面 ,钢铁业所需的矿石和燃料仍是船运主要用户 ;供应方面 ,船队有大型化和联
广西运美企业集团公司在深化企业改革中 ,狠抓科学管理 ,建立了一套权责明确的责任约束机制和责任考核评价机制 ,使职工业绩与劳动报酬挂钩 ;决策者按责任权重承担责任 ;企业