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在陕西作家群里,方英文是最“不正经”的一位,他不会与你正襟危坐地高谈文艺和思潮,要说红,他会用朝霞形容;要说白,他立马会用妇臀做比喻。坐没坐相,站没站相是他特立独行的一大标志,如果你想用传统且一本正经的眼光去考量他,那你就错了。谈到兴致,其放浪形骸之态,是当今文人圈中的稀罕物,就像母鸡群里卧着的一只大公鸡,头埋得再低也能分辨出来. In the Shaanxi writer group, Fang Yingwen is one of the most “not serious”, he will not be sat on the high ground with you literary and ideological trends, to say red, he will use the glow to describe; to put it plainly, he will immediately use the buttocks Analogy. Sitting not sitting, standing or standing is a major symbol of his maverick, if you want to consider him with a traditional and serious consideration, then you’re wrong. Talking about the mood, the state of letting go of the waves is a rare thing in today’s literati circle, like a large cock lying in a hen group, with its head buried low enough to be discernible.
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目前 ,从外部政策环境和内部经营环境看 ,寿险公司大力发展商业健康保险的诸种条件已基本具备。根据中国保监会《关于加快发展健康保险的指导意见》精神 ,未来中国健康保险业