
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiran87
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目的分析舟山市疟疾流行概况,描述疟疾防治历程,评价消除疟疾措施及效果,为消除疟疾行动计划实施和消除疟疾后监测提供科学依据。方法收集、整理、分析1950—2012年舟山市疟疾防治工作资料。结果舟山市以间日疟流行为主,中华按蚊为主要传播媒介。历史上共发生过四次流行高峰,1968年发病率达到1 864.90/10万。经过采取控制传染源和传播媒介防制等综合性措施,疟疾流行呈现逐步下降趋势,2009年以来无本地病例发生。2010年起开展消除疟疾行动,发现输入性恶性疟6例,输入性间日疟2例。2012年达到消除疟疾标准,完成省级消除疟疾考核。结论舟山市在不同的时期采取的疟疾防治措施取得了显著的成效,消除疟疾行动有力地推动了疟疾防治工作,同时需要积极应对消除疟疾后的防控工作。 Objective To analyze the epidemic situation of malaria in Zhoushan, describe the course of malaria control, evaluate the measures and effects of malaria elimination, and provide the scientific basis for the implementation of the malaria elimination plan and post-malaria monitoring. Methods Collected, collated and analyzed the data of malaria control in Zhoushan from 1950 to 2012. Results Zhoushan City, Malaria epidemic, Anopheles sinensis as the main media. There were four epidemic peaks in history, with a prevalence rate of 1864.90 / 100,000 in 1968. After comprehensive measures such as control of sources of infection and prevention and control of the media have taken place, the epidemic of malaria shows a gradual downward trend. No local cases have occurred since 2009. In 2010, malaria elimination activities were carried out, 6 cases of imported falciparum malaria were found and 2 cases of imported malaria were found. In 2012, the malaria elimination standard will be met and the provincial malaria elimination assessment will be completed. Conclusion The malaria control measures adopted by Zhoushan in different periods have achieved remarkable results. The malaria elimination campaign has strongly promoted the prevention and control of malaria and the positive response to post-malaria prevention and control.
目的 了解林州市疟疾流行概况与防治历程,总结评估林州市消除疟疾工作,为实施消除疟疾行动计划及开展评估工作提供参考和依据.方法 对林州市1949-2013年疟疾防治疫情数据、报
牡丹 [PaeoniasuffruticosaAndr. (P .moutanSims .) ]隶属于毛莨科 (Ranunculaceae)、芍药属 (Pae onia) ,为落叶小灌木 ,高 1~ 1.5m ,叶纸质 ,通常为二回三出羽状复叶 ,互生 ,呈淡绿色 ,初生时带红色 ,小叶常 3~ 5 Peonies [Paeonias