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强风特别是强横风是影响高速公路汽车安全行驶的重大交通气象灾害之一。为提高交通气象中强横风天气的预报准确率,利用江苏省典型高速公路2012~2015年交通自动天气监测系统观测数据,分析了江苏省沪宁、宿淮盐、沿海和京沪高速公路强风和强横风的时空分布特征,探讨了地理环境等因素对强风和强横风发生的影响,在此基础上,对江苏省典型高速公路的风压进行分级,揭示风压的空间分布特征。研究表明:1)强横风的日变化和季节变化规律与强风相似,一天中两者出现频率最高的时间段为12~14时;一年中7月份频率最高。2)各站点强风和强横风发生日数频率一致,均呈现沿海高速公路发生日数较高的站点最多、范围最大,宿淮盐高速公路最少、范围最小的特点。强风盛行风向与强横风盛行风向基本一致,4条高速公路整体上,偏北风频率最高,偏北向强风和横风的频率高于偏南向强风和横风,偏东向强风和横风的频率高于偏西向强风和横风。频率最高的极大风风向为22.5°,最大风风向为0°,即正北。3)除宿淮盐高速公路2012年秋季月份外,月极端风速均超过10 m/s,最大值达到22.6 m/s。4)综合考虑风向、风速等变化因素,将风压分为10级。其中风压达到黄色预警以上发生频率最高的路段为沿海高速公路的北段。5)地理环境对各高速公路不同路段强风、强横风和风压等级均有不同程度的影响,其中地形起伏、水系分布、距海远近对其影响较大。 Strong winds, especially strong winds, are one of the major traffic meteorological disasters affecting the safe driving of expressways. In order to improve the forecast accuracy of typhoon typhoon in traffic weather, using the observation data of traffic automatic weather monitoring system of typical expressways in Jiangsu Province from 2012 to 2015, the paper analyzes the influence of strong winds and strong winds on Shanghai-Nanjing, Su-Hua-Salt, The paper analyzes the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of typhoon and typhoon, explores the impact of geographical environment and other factors on the occurrence of strong winds and typhoon winds, and on this basis, classifies the wind pressure of typical expressways in Jiangsu Province to reveal the spatial distribution of wind pressure. The results show that: 1) The daily and seasonal variations of typhoon are similar to those of strong winds, with the highest frequency of 12-14 hours in one day and the highest frequency in July of the year. 2) The frequencies of strong winds and typhoon winds at all stations are the same, all of which show the highest number of coastal expressways with the highest number of sites, the largest range and the smallest number of Su-Hua-Yan expressways. The prevailing winds of strong winds are basically the same as the winds prevailing in strong winds. The frequency of northerly winds is the highest on the four expressways as a whole, while that of northerly strong winds and crosswinds is higher than that of southward strong winds and crosswinds, The frequency is higher than the westward strong wind and crosswind. The highest frequency of the maximum wind direction is 22.5 °, the maximum wind direction is 0 °, that is, north. 3) Except for the Huai-Yan Expressway in the autumn of 2012, the monthly extreme wind speeds exceeded 10 m / s and the maximum reached 22.6 m / s. 4) Considering wind, wind speed and other factors, the wind pressure is divided into 10 levels. Among them, the section with the highest frequency of yellow pressure above the wind pressure is the northern section of the coastal expressway. 5) Geographical environment has different degrees of influence on the strong winds, typhoon winds and wind pressure levels of different sections of expressways. Among them, the topography fluctuates and the water system distributes and the distance from the sea has a greater impact on it.
眼眶原发性脑膜瘤少见,占眼眶内肿瘤的0.77%,本文报告2例。此瘤生长缓慢,临床表现局部压迫症状,切除后很少复发,需要排除颅内脑膜瘤外延的可能。病例报告例1 女性,35岁,住院
本文分析我们经 CT 确诊的脑出血病例的临床特征,以供参考。临床资料本文共74例,均经 CT 扫描确诊.计男46人,女28人,年龄为39~76岁(平均53.5岁)。病变部位:右侧大脑半球出血3
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