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1999年对华中农业大学生命科学技术学院院长张启发教授来说,是三喜临门。这年11月17日,45岁的他,当选为中国科学院院士,成为我国最年轻的院士之一;同年3月,经教育部批准,他被聘为华中农业大学作物遗传育种学科特聘教授,成为我国首批特聘教授之一;4月16日,又被国家科技部聘为国家重点基础研究发展规划首批项目(即“973”项目)首席科学家,成为全国首批18名首席科学家之一。雄心攀高峰奋进创辉煌张启发是湖北省公安县人,1976年毕业于华中农学院(现为华中农业大学),并被留校任教。他勤奋好学,潜心研究,敢为人先。1978年,他与人合作在国家级杂志《遗传学报》上发表了《小麦六个常用亲本品种双列杂交酚合力的初步研究》论文。恢复研究生制度之初,他以全优成绩考取本校遗传育种专业研究生。 1982年2月,他被派往美国加州大学戴维斯分校遗传系进修学习。求知若渴的张启发深感机会难得,他一头扎进学习和研究之中。美国加州是一个十分美丽的地方,山青水秀、海滩迷人,还有一座离校园只有一个多小时行程的名城旧金山。留学的头三年,张启发一次也没光顾过。为了广泛涉猎各种先进知识,他省吃俭用,将国家发给访问学者 In 1999, Professor Zhang Qifei, Dean of the School of Life Science and Technology at Huazhong Agricultural University, came to his surprise. He was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on November 17 this year and became one of the youngest academicians in China. In March of the same year, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, he was hired as a distinguished professor of crop genetics and breeding at Huazhong Agricultural University, Became one of the first batch of distinguished professors in our country. On April 16, 2005, he was hired as the chief scientist of the first batch of projects of national key basic research and development plan (ie “973 ” project) by the Ministry of Science and Technology and became the first batch of 18 chief scientists one. Ambitious climbing peak for a brilliant Zhang Qifa is a public security county in Hubei Province, 1976 graduated from Huazhong Agricultural College (now Huazhong Agricultural University), and was left to teach. He is diligent and studious, with great concentration and daring to be the first person. In 1978, he co-authored a paper entitled “A Preliminary Study of the Phenolic Total Forces of Six Common Parental Lines in Wheat Using Double Lines” in the National Journal of Genetics. At the beginning of the restoration of the graduate student system, he took the prestigious graduate student of genetics and breeding in the university with his excellent grade. In February 1982, he was sent to the University of California, Davis, Department of inheritance study. Zhang Qifa thirst for insight deeply rare opportunity, he plunged into learning and research. California, USA is a beautiful place, with beautiful scenery, beautiful beaches and a famous city of San Francisco with an hour and a half from campus. In the first three years of studying abroad, Zhang Qifa never visited again. In order to study a wide range of advanced knowledge, he saved himself and sent the country to visiting scholars
研究了 Al-24%Si 合金在半固态等温电磁搅拌下组织的变化规律.实验分冷却过程不搅拌和冷却过程搅拌2种.保温温度为577℃,在此温度下,搅拌时间长达40 min.结果发现,搅拌过程中
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说到梅赛德斯-奔驰这个品牌,它已经有超过一个世纪的历史了。而旗下的C级轿车却只占有其中将近1/4的时间,可它创造出的辉煌却令人刮目相看。 Speaking of Mercedes-Benz bra