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文学评论界曾有人提出了“姜广平现象”。著名文学评论家张宗刚认为,姜广平作为一个目前在国内一线活跃的著名文学评论家,形成了令人玩味的文学现象:一、姜广平是在文学处于低潮时期的世纪之交开始走上文学评论之路的;二、姜广平缺少学院派评论家的高学历和高职称背景;三、姜广平身处近于底层的基层,学术环境与条件极差:长期以来身处乡村及小城,于当代教育处于应试高峰的年代里,在中学担任高中语文教师。张宗刚认为,凡此,都是文学评论工作中的负面性因素。然而,姜广平克服了常人难以想象的这些困难,执着而坚定地行走在文学研究与文学创作之路上,并以自己丰赡的成果,赢得了文学界人士与广大读者的认可。姜广平的文学经历,非常值得人们研究与细思,“姜广平现象”形成的原因给我们哪些启发、为我们的文学发展提供了哪些可资借鉴的元素,我们的文学研究应给予深入的探讨。著名作家刘醒龙认为,在姜广平这样一位评论家面前,一个作家只要耍出三招就能被他识破行藏。为做好作家对话,姜广平开始了自己的小说创作,以小说创作体验来映证、验证自己对其他作家创作的判断与认知。这一来,便使姜广平的小说研究直抵小说的精髓处,也使他的小说创作走向了成功。姜广平的小说着意于对人性深处律动的把握,着意于对极细微的心理世界的展示,也着意于对文学母题的追求与挖掘。而另一方面,由于姜广平一直身处社会基层的生活,因而,其小说对于当下社会基层的人文景观也作了较充分的展示。 Literary critics have been put forward “Jiang Guangping phenomenon ”. Zhang Zonggang, a famous literary critic, holds that Jiang Guangping, as a well-known literary critic currently active in the country, has formed a kind of interesting literary phenomenon. First, Jiang Guangping started his journey of literary criticism at the turn of the century when literature was at a low ebb period Jiang Guangping lacks the highly educated and professional background of academic critics. Third, Jiang Guangping is located in the grassroots level near the bottom. The academic environment and conditions are extremely poor: he has been living in the countryside and the town for a long time, In the peak years, he was a high school language teacher in high school. Zhang Zongang believes that all this is a negative factor in the work of literary criticism. However, Jiang Guangping overcomes these difficulties unimaginable by ordinary people, persistently and steadily walks on the path of literature research and literature creation, and wins the recognition of literary circles and readers by his own achievements. Jiang Guangping's literary experience is very worthy of study and thought, “Jiang Guangping Phenomenon” what causes us inspiration, which provides us with the elements of literature development, our literary studies should be given in-depth discussion . Liu Xinglong, a famous writer, believes that in the presence of such a commentator as Jiang Guangping, a writer who can play three tactics can find his possession in Tibet. In order to do a good job of the writer's dialogue, Jiang Guangping started his own novel creation, reflected in the novel creation experience, and verified his judgment and cognition of the other writers. As a result, Jiang Guangping's novels research went straight to the essence of novels and made his novels successful. Jiang Guangping's novel is intended to grasp the deep rhythm of human nature, to show the very subtle psychological world, and to pursue and excavate the literary motif. On the other hand, since Jiang Guangping has been living in the grass-roots level of society for a long time, his novels have also fully demonstrated the current humanistic landscape at the grassroots level.
前不久,单位购置了一批图书,其中有路遥的长篇小说《平凡的世界》,上中下厚厚三册。几天后,我见单位一小伙子捧着这部小说在读,很忘情的样子。我的思绪因此一下子回到了上个世纪八十年代末。  那个时候,我有一嗜好,就是在午睡前听半个小时的长篇小说联播,如果不听一听,一天就像丢了什么似的。《平凡的世界》无疑是我听过的小说中极精彩的一部,这部小说以中国70年代中期到80年代中期为背景,通过复杂的矛盾纠葛,以孙